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Mistaken to antigravity ?

  • Thread starter Publicly Anonomous User
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Publicly Anonomous User

-I got it on the eBay for < 20 USD.
It's cool. I Got the one with the compact wooden keeper box.

Pyrolytic Graphite *Self-Floats* over four strong Ni cube shaped

I'm glancing up at the thing now, as it dances slightly in the breeze.
It's very enegmatic, or yes, Bizarre. I have no explanation yet.

Wait! Found:
Carbon-Based Magnetism - T. Makarova, F. Palacio (Elsevier, 2006)

From Pages 252 to 262:

...the anisotropy of the bands near the corner points of the first
Brillouin zone is a consequence of the hexagonal symmetry of the graphite


... Wallace remarked that the anisotropy is of the same order of magnitude
as that of the conductivity

-So we guess electrons in the crystal "ram-up" and get trapped into
corner angles when pushed magneticly ?

I still find it wierd, -and cool.

D from BC

-I got it on the eBay for < 20 USD.
It's cool. I Got the one with the compact wooden keeper box.

Pyrolytic Graphite *Self-Floats* over four strong Ni cube shaped

I'm glancing up at the thing now, as it dances slightly in the breeze.
It's very enegmatic, or yes, Bizarre. I have no explanation yet.

Wait! Found:
Carbon-Based Magnetism - T. Makarova, F. Palacio (Elsevier, 2006)

From Pages 252 to 262:

..the anisotropy of the bands near the corner points of the first
Brillouin zone is a consequence of the hexagonal symmetry of the graphite


.. Wallace remarked that the anisotropy is of the same order of magnitude
as that of the conductivity

-So we guess electrons in the crystal "ram-up" and get trapped into
corner angles when pushed magneticly ?

I still find it wierd, -and cool.

This is EPrey item 180186727424 ???
Currently at $45.00!! :(
You can get more lift buying an all day ski pass on a ski mountain!

Whistler mountain looks as low as $42.00/day. (Here in BC.)
The ski lift will raise any exotic material to an elevation of 7156ft.

D from BC
British Columbia

Kent Paul Dolan

Funny, none of the hits are ebay.

You didn't ask for a link _to ebay_, now did you?
So you no longer have the ebay link ??

I never _had_ the ebay link, and since the OP
says s/he "got" the item, presumably it is
no longer for sale there.

Has this functional illiteracy problem been
bothering you for a long time, or is it new?

If the latter, an MRI might be a good idea.

The emergency room caretakers found a brain
tumor the size of a small orange in my
fiancee's head, that was giving little more
sign than that of being around, until the
crisis hit.

xanthian, she's no longer got the tumor, and
she's regathered most of her faculties since
the tumorectomy. I'm hoping to have her home
in a month or so.

Eric Gisse

You didn't ask for a link _to ebay_, now did you?

I never _had_ the ebay link, and since the OP
says s/he "got" the item, presumably it is
no longer for sale there.

Has this functional illiteracy problem been
bothering you for a long time, or is it new?

If the latter, an MRI might be a good idea.

The emergency room caretakers found a brain
tumor the size of a small orange in my
fiancee's head, that was giving little more
sign than that of being around, until the
crisis hit.

Are we talking the softball sized oranges, or those awesome little ez-
peel satsumas?

Kent Paul Dolan

Are we talking the softball sized oranges, or
those awesome little ez-peel satsumas?

Undernourished Valencia, about 6.5cm in each


Eric Gisse

Undernourished Valencia, about 6.5cm in each



Average brain volume is 1400 cm^3. That sucker has a volume of about
140 cm^3. That's a lot of brain missing. I know I'd miss 140 cm^3 of
grey matter, no matter where it came from.

Kent Paul Dolan

Eric Gisse said:
Kent Paul Dolan <[email protected]> wrote:

[size of Jeanette's brain tumor]
Average brain volume is 1400 cm^3. That sucker has
a volume of about 140 cm^3.

Well, plus her head was noticably small even for a
woman, with about a US 6 7/8" hat size, and women in
general get the same work done with smaller average
sized brains than do men, so it was probably
proportionately a bit more than 10% for her.

It sure loomed scarily huge in the "before" MRI
scans I reviewed, but that was a cross-sectional
plane view, which exaggerates the comparative size,
not a volume view.

It sure left a huge fluid filled void for her brain
to recolonize, in the "after" MRI scan.
That's a lot of brain missing. I know I'd miss 140
cm^3 of grey matter, no matter where it came from.

Well, it didn't exactly "go missing", there was
nowhere for it to go. Brain tissue is soft and mushy
and soaking wet and pliable on its best days, so it
just got _displaced_ by the tumor, and got the fluid
compressed out of it so that it was starving pretty
badly for lack of room for blood to circulate

The tumor was a "benign" one, so it didn't
particularly infiltrate the existing tissue, just
grew as a compact mass in one place within it. Thus,
minus some unavoidable very thin "selvage", what was
cut away wasn't her brain, just the tumor inside it.

The damages seen may be in that cut away selvage,
but blaming the starvation and maybe some ill
effects from stretching the existing nerve tissues
as they were displaced, seems the surer conviction
to seek.

Her frontal lobe ended up moved toward the top of
her skull and compressed, at least the center of it
where the tumor was did, so overall it was probably
sitting as an inverted "U", while the parts of her
brain directly behind the tumor got quite badly
compressed and starved, and the non-nerve tissues
toward the front of her head had lots of "internal
pressure" symptoms, if only we'd been smart enough
to recognize them.

Brain tissue further away from the tumor center
probably didn't fare as badly, though compression
goes through fluid and pliable tissues pretty
thoroughly, so maybe it was all equally stressed.

Trouble is, lots of the stuff that makes us human is
up front there, as is the start of the vision
processing system; she's having to relearn how to
see the same image out of both eyes, for example.

She was complaining for two years about pain and
pressure behind her eyes, but as one of the
uninsured and destitute in the US, she had no way to
pay to get that investigated, and as too mentally
ill to get herself signed up for the insurance, no
way to overcome that issue on her own, and I had no
legal standing to do that for her.

Once the hospital had her in its care and were
ringing up charges she had no hope ever of paying,
the hospital administration got her onto the local
"medical insurance plan for the indigent", so they'd
get paid by _someone_, fast enough.

The operation to remove the tumor, I'm told by one
of the nurses, involved first carefully shoving
aside everything above it by following a major blood
vessel down to it, then cutting around the tumor
repeatedly, about 1 mm deeper each time. From the
time she left her intensive care unit until she
returned to it from surgery was 11.5 hours, three
hours longer than originally planned.

I'm glad they did such a careful job on an indigent
patient, but then the hospital is a Catholic
"charity" hospital (while still one of the top
ranked neurology hospitals in North America), they
try to do that for everyone, even where payment is
impossible, not just hard.

She's having a recovery that is astonishing even her
nurses, so one concludes that this could be going
much, much worse than it is, and, if one is wise,
one practices patience and tolerance. Patience and
tolerance aren't exactly my most stand-out virtues,
though, as hundreds of thousands of Usenetters who
know me will testify, so a lot of keeping my teeth
grinding pending until after our visits end is
happening on my side.

There are still _lots_ of holes in her thinking,
behavior, motor skills, and memory [she didn't
recognize the word "annotating" last night (when I
used it to talk about adding descriptions to some
web page links for a page I just started), while I
was with her, and her with a master of fine arts
degree in teaching music where music annotation is
surely a hot topic], e.g., she called me by her
ex-husband's name off and on for a few days, but
then two days ago she sat down at a piano for the
first time in almost three years and played a very
recognizable one minute snatch of "The Entertainer",
with few errors, and from memory.

Compare her case to the other music teacher by
coincidence also in the recovery ward, now for five
months, after a car wreck, who is enduring being
taught how to survive the rest of her life as a
quadrapelegic, and you'll see just how lucky my
fiancee is to be coherent, walking, retaining some
skills, and in control of most of her faculties a
week less than a month after surgery.

Well aware that she had a good chance of coming back
to the ICU after 11.5 hours of people poking knives
into her head as some new species of vegetable, I
started and ended my want list for her after surgery
at "breathing", and only thought about extending it
when that part seemed to be secured another day
later and she began to regain awareness of her
surroundings, so most of the rest of this is pure
gravy from that starting point.


The links I was annotating:

Eric Gisse


It sounds like she is doing pretty well considering. I wish you two
the best of luck.

Robert Baer

D said:
This is EPrey item 180186727424 ???
Currently at $45.00!! :(
You can get more lift buying an all day ski pass on a ski mountain!

Whistler mountain looks as low as $42.00/day. (Here in BC.)
The ski lift will raise any exotic material to an elevation of 7156ft.

D from BC
British Columbia
Canada. mean "exotic dancer"???

Gary Heston

Most of the search engines don't catalog eBay. I think eBay discourages
that; they'd rather have their nonspecific "Get all your <search term>
on eBay!" paid links pointing to their own search page.

(Of course, this can generate some humorous results, as when you search
for things like "B-2 bomber name".)
You didn't ask for a link _to ebay_, now did you?
I never _had_ the ebay link, and since the OP
says s/he "got" the item, presumably it is
no longer for sale there.
[ ... ]

Here, children, you can have mine. It listed four current auctions:

the most expensive of which was under $20, total.

Interesting stuff...


Paul Hovnanian P.E.

Publicly said:
-I got it on the eBay for < 20 USD.
It's cool. I Got the one with the compact wooden keeper box.

Pyrolytic Graphite *Self-Floats* over four strong Ni cube shaped

I'm glancing up at the thing now, as it dances slightly in the breeze.
It's very enegmatic, or yes, Bizarre. I have no explanation yet.

Wait! Found:
Carbon-Based Magnetism - T. Makarova, F. Palacio (Elsevier, 2006)

From Pages 252 to 262:

..the anisotropy of the bands near the corner points of the first
Brillouin zone is a consequence of the hexagonal symmetry of the graphite


.. Wallace remarked that the anisotropy is of the same order of magnitude
as that of the conductivity

-So we guess electrons in the crystal "ram-up" and get trapped into
corner angles when pushed magneticly ?

I still find it wierd, -and cool.

I find it odd that they made no mention of the radioactivity. Its best
not to place this device anywhere near your lap, if you know what I

Robert Baer

Paul said:
I find it odd that they made no mention of the radioactivity. Its best
not to place this device anywhere near your lap, if you know what I
In your dreams...

Publicly Anonomous User

As far as an explanation, as that website points out, pyrolithic
graphite is paramagnetic. That means when you bring it close to, for
example, the north pole of a magnet, then the material becomes
temporarily magnetized with the north pole on the side closest to the
magnet. If you bring it near a south pole, it's magnetized with the
south pole closest to the magnet.

The Wikipedia article on diamagnetism offers a decent semi-classical
explanation of why this happens. Of course, for the most correct
explanation one would need to grind through the math of quantum
mechanics. Just bear in mind that an electron in an atom doesn't
follow a single, well-defined path; instead, there's a probability for
finding the electron that varies from place to place.


"Consider two electron orbitals; one rotating clockwise and the other
counterclockwise. An external magnetic field into the page will make
the centripetal force on an electron rotating clockwise increase,
causing it to speed up. That same field would make the centripetal
force on an electron rotating counterclockwise decrease, causing it to
slow down. The orbiting electrons create magnetic fields themselves,
and in both cases, the change in B due to the electron's change in
velocity is in the opposite direction to the external B field. Since
the material originally had no net magnetic field from its orbiting
electrons (because their orbits were aligned in random directions),
the result is that the induced B field opposes the applied B field,
and these repel each other."

"All materials show a diamagnetic response in an applied magnetic
field. In fact, diamagnetism is a very general phenomenon, because all
paired electrons, including the core electrons of an atom will always
make a weak diamagnetic contribution to the material's response.
However, for materials which show some other form of magnetism (such
as ferromagnetism or paramagnetism), the diamagnetism is completely

Of course, it might be that the original poster wanted to know why
pyrolithic graphite is so strongly diamagnetic compared to other
materials, but I don't know the answer to that.

This Url is ok.

kirkus vomit

.... igot it on amazxon fopr > 10 USE

I find it odd that they made no mention of the radioactivity. Its best
not to place this device anywhere near your lap, if you know what I

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