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Maker Pro

Microsoft excel

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Harald Kapp

How to download it for learning?
You don't download it. Not for learning, not for other purposes. Excel is a commercial tool you have to shell out money for.

Use 'Libre Office' or 'openOffice' if you want free tools. These are comparable, but not identical, to the Microsoft office tools (incl. Excel).
What is purpose role use of excel in market?
Is it open source??

I use it for inventory and other purposes. To record data in electronics exercises and create a graph of the results. As a design aid, I set up a spreadsheet with component design procedures. I don't think I can post Excel files here but I can post pdf views of the files if you were interested.

There are other spreadsheet programs out there.
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A post from @Gryd3
that will add ... has lots of info :)

Looks like you may have a misunderstanding somewhere...
I realize the thread is now closed, but I'll give you some last minute details here:

Microsoft Excel = Spreadsheet application that supports in-line formulas and Microsoft's 'VBA' for programming within Excel.
Excel *requires* payment to use properly, although you can use 'google documents' to make spreadsheets online in your browser here >
Additionally, Microsoft offers a 'Viewer' for free... you can open Excel Documents with this, but you can *not* edit them. This can be found here >

Libre Office, Open Office, and Gnumeric are all open source spreadsheet applications and support in-line formulas, but do not offer Microsoft's 'VBA'. They can be found with a simple google search.

For all intensive purposes, 'VBA' is very rarely used and most professionals working with Excel don't even know it exists. It's used to extend the feature set of Excel and can do things like automatically checking a web-site for a value, or auto-creating a folder structure for a job you may be working on. This is an entirely different topic though.

The Spreadsheet available from all of the above products can be used for anything as basic as making properly spaced labels to some incredibly complex sheets. The complexity could be cosmetic to provide someone with a unique and presentable 'quote' sheet, or it could be complex in that the in-line formulas will do mathematical equations or comparisons to allow you or anyone else to enter various values and have the sheet provide an answer.

I use both extensively in my current line of work. The simplest ones are a simple form that we print for staff to fill out, or perhaps the sheet that allows the machine operators to find out the optimal speeds for a cutting head when they enter certain details. The most complex is a template that our sales staff can fill out on the computer that auto calculates prices, estimated install dates and copies values to another page that can be presented in a cleaner format to our clients.

In any case. I will not go into detail about how to use the in-line formulas or Microsoft's VBA. There are dedicated web-sites for each of the above products which will be better suited to assist you.

Hopefully this gets you going in the right direction. I don't expect a reply, as everything should be covered here and any additional questions should be answered by you downloading one of the open source products or using 'google docs' to experiment. I've told you what I use the tool for... now you need to see what uses *you* have for it.
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