Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Microsoft does something right!


Spehro Pefhany

They've put a "nuke" button on IE7 to kill *all* the add-ons and
whatever, essentially returning it to as-installed without
re-installing (actually if you re-install, it tries to keep all that
stuff, bookmarks and so on, for you).

Tools->Internet Options->Advanced->Reset

Rude and crude, but sometimes extraordiary measures are called for
(besides if you ever uninstall it, they probably have legitimate
worries you might not re-install it).

Needed this to kill some unwanted crap.. don't *ever* install
their stuff. Had to re-install Firefox and wipe out the associated
registry and directories. 8-(

They must be paying companies by the number of initially installed
copies.. it's bundled along with some freeware and the installation
opt-outs vary from misleading to outright lying.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Archimedes' Lever

Nope. I drove by the Redmond campus earlier today and it isn't a smoking

Pretty fucking retarded, RoyLike remark, considering that you would
tout yourself as being intelligent. Are you and Roy 'friends'?

Just so you know. It is horseshit like this that proves that you are
NOT intelligent.


Nope. I drove by the Redmond campus earlier today and it isn't a smoking

I switched to Linux when the conversion to XP happened. I haven't
really been following M$ in detail since then. It no longer has a
large direct impact on my life.

From time to time, I have to reproduce a file from my backups because
the company server lost them, open a file and save it in a different
format so that someone running one version of software can read a file
created by a different version and stuff like that so I can't claim no

Archimedes' Lever

I switched to Linux when the conversion to XP happened. I haven't
really been following M$ in detail since then. It no longer has a
large direct impact on my life.

From time to time, I have to reproduce a file from my backups because
the company server lost them, open a file and save it in a different
format so that someone running one version of software can read a file
created by a different version and stuff like that so I can't claim no
You're an idiot if you cannot manage the document creation task well
enough to keep it from happening.

The main reason being that you are too goddamned retarded to embrace
the required knowledge you need to operate efficiently. You would rather
piss and moan and claim that MS gave you a hard way to go.

Truly pathetic, you are.