Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Microcontroller Programming

I'm fairly new to microcontrollers. I'm learning Arduino which I find fairly easy. However I would like to know what the most common method of programming standard alone micro controllers is. Is there a universal board that mounts microcontrollers and connects to the cpu via USB? An example of a microcontroller I'd like to use is this CD4518 which I would like to connect with a seven segment display in the future.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You typically require a different programmer for different families of chips.

There are exceptions, however they're never truly universal as each different type of chip requires a different protocol to program. Even different chips within a "family" can require different protocols.

Look on ebay and you will find heaps of different programmers, but for compatibility, it may be best to stick to something that the manufacturer knows about (like, say, PicKit3 for PICs)
The only universal programming protocol I've seen is JTAG and similar family types. This is normally not available for the smallest controller types, that use proprietary protocols and interfaces, as said before.

And yes, there are development boards for most microcontrollers, with USB connection.
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