Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Microcontroller debugging

I am facing run time issues while running the code. To trace such issues i developed one serial port program from which I can send data. Now my question is i want to receive this data on computer and display in the form of gui. What tools can I use for gui. Please suggest.
If you Google the phrase, "terminal emulator" lots of choices come up, for Windows, Linux and Mac.

On Windows I use PuTTY and TeraTerm. On the Mac, I use CoolTerm.
I am bit confused about this i have no serial rs232 or D type connector on the pc. How should I connect the terminal emulator to receive. Can you briefly explain the connections from the pc to controller.
Often, with timing issues, adding a debug will "fix" your issues, this means you need to wait longer between operations, sometimes it will "add" time issues, this means it is taking too long, most common issue I see with these kinds of issues are processing on interrupt with a Micro.