Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Metz 45 CT-4 Flash Capacitor spec


Danny Lui

Hi. My Metz 45 CT-4 camera flash no longer works after a long storage.
I suspect that the capacitor has deteriorated because I can hear it
charged up, red neon light came on, and then the neon light went off

I took out the capacitor but unfortunately there is no spec, i.e. uF
and volt, on it. It was made by Frako in Germany. I contacted Frako,
but they no longer made these capacitors and they do not have the
spec either. There is a part number on it: 331 79 0019-1 (other
numbers on it are 83 24).

Does anyone know what size capacitor (uF and volt) that this capacitor
has? I like to get a replacement for it.

Thanks in advance for your help.



If it was the capacitor problem you shouldn't hear it charging.
If you can measure the voltage on the capacitor and it is 300-400V
then the problem might be at the trigger circuit or the circuit that
"cuts" the flashlight. It might also be a problem of the lamp itself
if you have noticed that the flash was missing shots. If you can
measure high voltage at the capacitor but the charging time is too
little it might be the capacitor's problem it might be empty
and really need replacement.

Ken Weitzel

Danny said:
Hi. My Metz 45 CT-4 camera flash no longer works after a long storage.
I suspect that the capacitor has deteriorated because I can hear it
charged up, red neon light came on, and then the neon light went off

I took out the capacitor but unfortunately there is no spec, i.e. uF
and volt, on it. It was made by Frako in Germany. I contacted Frako,
but they no longer made these capacitors and they do not have the
spec either. There is a part number on it: 331 79 0019-1 (other
numbers on it are 83 24).

Does anyone know what size capacitor (uF and volt) that this capacitor
has? I like to get a replacement for it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


I can't help, but you may find a little here:

Take care.


PS. On the off-chance that you're not an "electronics
guy" please be VERY VERY VERY scared of that capacitor.
It stores lethal amounts of energy. Be careful!
