Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Memory problems



I have two computers on both Win XP PRO

a- Pentium 4 2.6 GHZ. 1024 MB Ram memory

b- Pentium 3 790 MHZ..352 MB Ram memory

I have a navigation program Maxsea , when I try to load this program
on comp. "A " I get the message insufficient memory.

I can load without problems the program on the older computer "B" with so
much less memory

I can't find what the problem is any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance




I'm not familiar with 'Maxsea', but don't think that's the problem
anyway. As far as I'm concerned, MS never did get a grip on memory
management, but that's another story. :^)

You might want to try this: First thing, note how many icons are in
your system tray (the one on the far right). If you see icons for
programs you don't need running, you want to get rid of these. For
example, if you've instaled Realplayer, it will start a process
every time your computer comes up. You don't need to have this
process running on your system 'at all times'. Realplayer will still
work fine. So what if it takes an extra second to start up when you
want to play a media file. In that case, you can right click on the
icon and get into the preferences and have it NOT load on system
startup. If you only click exit, it will still load on the next
startup/reboot. If you have CD burning software, chances are, when you
installed it, several more processes were added. Especially if you've
installed something like Roxio.

To clean things up that you can't turn off in the system tray and have
them stay off, next try this:

Click on 'start', then 'run' and then type 'msconfig' and hit enter.
In the box that comes up, choose the 'startup' tab at the far right.
Oh, before I go further, unless you're comfortable with what is in the
other tabs, DON'T EVEN THINK about changing aything in them. :^)

Now, look at the list and uncheck anything that you don't feel you
need running all the time. Leave stuff in there if you do want running
at all times. Examples are any programs/processes associated with you
virus protection as well as any programs/processes associated with a
software firewall, if you're running one. After fininshing, click on
'apply'. You will next be prompted to reboot for the changes to go
into effect. If you're ready to try this, go ahead and reboot. Note,
when the system reboots, a diaog box pops up stating that you are
running 'selective startup' (if memory serves me). Just check the box
to not show you the message again. You already know you made changes.

I hope this helps! I strongly suspect this will get you going with
Maxsea. Please post a reply either way.



Thank you all so much for your assistance .

I had a look at the residence programs and I could unload some small
starting up programs like Chameleon clock and Acrobat assistance.

I have Ad-Aware running for over a year.

I had a look at the Virtual Memory.

In the old computer I have disk space available 32503 MB, Virtual initial
size 528MB, Max size 1056 MB

On the new computer free disk space 33556MB, Virtual initial size 1536MB
and max size3072 MB

Looking at the above , what shall I do still enlarge the virtual memo??

Comparing the two the new computer looks so much better and still??

I could do msconfig and start up in diagnostic startup and try to run the
Maxsea program??

Joe Wood

698 on a Win98 machine that two teenagers had used to download music.

Joe Wood


I had the msconfig open and did a startup in diagnostic mode try to run the
program no sucsess still the same message


I'd like to double this statement from Jim. If you don't know EXACTLY
what anything on the list does, DON'T DELETE it! You could trash the
O/S and it's I/O functions good.

Check this out, Larry. It lives in Control Panel and is only about 100k
Freeware. More versatile than msconfig

Startup Control Panel


I don't know what you're saying here. Are you saying you unchecked
boxes for applications running at startup, and tried the Maxsea without
rebooting? If so, then yeah, I wouldn't expect a difference. MSCONFIG
does NOT affect the running system. You need to reboot to make those
changes go into effect. Sorry, I thought I was pretty clear on that.
i.e. turn off what you don't NEED, reboot, and then try your Maxsea

If by diagnostic mode you mean 'safe mode', that was NOT suggested.
Safe mode is good when you installed a driver that conflicts with your
system so bad it won't even boot. Then you can go into safe mode to
uninstall the program or delete the device drivers.



I did a reboot in diagnostic mode so without any resident programs running
and tried to start Maxsea no success.

After that I removed the programs I don't need to start up and did a reboot
same no success

Dennis Pogson

Hans wrote:

Maxsea is a pretty old programme, and Win XP wasn't invented when Maxsea was

I think the incompatiblity is with your OS, since you seem to have ample
memory and disk space
plus a P4 processor.

I can run Maxsea on Win98 on a P2 laptop no bother, so it must be the way
Win XP allocates memory, i.e. a coding conflict within XP and Maxsea.

Is this the latest version of Maxsea?


Remove "nospam" from return address.

Harry Krause

Larry W4CSC wrote:

Teach the teenagers to download from Usenet's
alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.(genre here) and that won't happen. I have
17M files...(c;

You still brag about the gigabytes of the intellectual property of
others you have stolen?


Hi Dennis,

It's Maxsea 10 which is very recent and developed for XP but ver 7.2 has
the same problem.

Further the big computer runs fine and never any problem at all

As i have said i have two computers both with XP Pro and on one no problems
at all.


To understand the problem, we need to isolate it - when did the problem
begin ..
Questions about the machine with 1024 MB ram
Has it always had this much memory ? or did you add more to it?
If you added more, then:
- did it work fine before you added memory?
If so, there is the possibility of different memory speeds between existing
and new. I suggest you go to the memory mfg web site and look for tips (eg has several notes on this issue. As well, you might want
to play with your bios memory speed settings.

Dennis Pogson

Matt said:
To understand the problem, we need to isolate it - when did the
problem begin ..
Questions about the machine with 1024 MB ram
Has it always had this much memory ? or did you add more to it?
If you added more, then:
- did it work fine before you added memory?
If so, there is the possibility of different memory speeds between
existing and new. I suggest you go to the memory mfg web site and
look for tips (eg has several notes on this issue.
As well, you might want to play with your bios memory speed settings.

If it's RDRam memory, the 2 sets of 2 banks should be populated by the same
speed memory modules, (say PC800), but the individual slots of bank 2 may
have larger or smaller capacity modules than the slots in bank1. In other
words, the make and type of the modules in bank 2 should match each other,
but only the speed has to match the modules in bank 1. Worth checking! This
is why they are almost always sold in pairs.
Remove "nospam" from return address.


Hi All,

Thanks for your help, The computer is new 2 months old only, the mem chip is
a pair and I have done mem. check as well and could not find a problem.

I have the same problem with an old Maxsea ver.7 program and with the new
ver 10. and again no problem on the other old comp.

I will be away for a few days with my boat for some serious fishing.

Be back on Thursday


Joe Wood

Find the Maxsea object module. Select with single left click, open menu
with single right click and left click on properties. In the second tab
play with the compatibility settings and see what happens.

Joe Wood