Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Medium power full bridge driver


Jon Slaughter

I can't seem to find a medium power(about 180W) full bridge driver to drive
a 12V@180W BDC motor.

Most I see are rated for around 3A or so cts.

What do I need to do? Can I parallel these things(and is it even worth it)
or am I just not looking in the right place? I don't need all the bells and
whistles I see on some of these drivers but just something that I can drive
from a uC using PWM for variable speed control(and the ability to reverse
direction hence the full bridge).


Tim Wescott

Jon said:
I can't seem to find a medium power(about 180W) full bridge driver to drive
a 12V@180W BDC motor.

Most I see are rated for around 3A or so cts.

What do I need to do? Can I parallel these things(and is it even worth it)
or am I just not looking in the right place? I don't need all the bells and
whistles I see on some of these drivers but just something that I can drive
from a uC using PWM for variable speed control(and the ability to reverse
direction hence the full bridge).

APEX semiconductor has them.

Don't come crying to me when you see the price tag -- remember that all
you had to do was slap it on the board.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services

Do you need to implement control loops in software?
"Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems" gives you just what it says.
See details at

Clifford Heath

Jon said:
I can't seem to find a medium power(about 180W) full bridge driver to drive
a 12V@180W BDC motor.
Most I see are rated for around 3A or so cts.

Perhaps use a HIP4081 to drive an external MOSFET bridge?
I think they're good at 12V (and up to 80V). The high-side
drive capability means you don't need P-FETs, just 4 N-FETs.