Maker Pro
Maker Pro

MCP2221 USB to UART/I2C. Confused.


I have been trying to find a component for a particular task.
I need a USB to UART bridge with added I2C capability. Just when i was about to throw in the towel and make something myself with using PIC, I came across the MCP2221.
It ticks all the right boxes apart from one thing.
The commands that control the chips I2C dont appear to be documented. Instead you have a utility program that does it for you.
Download to datasheet and terminal etc can be found here.

I need to use the command for the I2C in my own program so i would need to know what commands are used to utilise the I2C commands along with the USB to UART bridge.

Googling this chip doesnt bring up much information on it.

Have i missed something in the datasheet telling me the commands? Or has Microchip got them hidden for some reason?