Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Maytag oven

Have you tried closing the door? ;)

What do you consider too long? An old wive's tale is it is supposed to take about 10 minutes to preheat an oven to... something... maybe 400F? Anyway that's the number I've used for years, just let it heat for 10min to follow a receipe cook time or leave it in longer if oven hasn't preheated that long yet, though in practice I can just look at the heating element neon indicator to show if it is still heating or idling because it reached the set temp.

Does your oven seem to eventually get up to the right temperature? If so then I would guess it's the element or wiring to it rather than the heat setting (knob or electronic?), and I might see if the wiring looks frayed or the connection to the element looks compromised. I don't know if there's an easy way to measure resistance of the element once hot (running it with your oven torn apart to access it?) if you can figure out what it is supposed to be to compare against.

Personally I hate the lifespan of modern appliances and wonder if it's made to fail by the 7 year mark. Most older appliances that I have replaced in the past 15 years, I half wished I had repaired them instead but often parts get hard to find after a couple decades...