Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Matsui TV Problem


I have a Matsui 20V1T Tv (CUC7303 chasis), which is making a "clicking"
sound once every few seconds while the tv is on. It sounds like a
sparking / arcing sound, but I can't pinpoint where its coming from.
The Tv appears to work fine, its just a disturbing sound - does anyone
have any ideas / thoughts as to the cause?


[email protected] ha escrito:

I have a Matsui 20V1T Tv (CUC7303 chasis), which is making a "clicking"
sound once every few seconds while the tv is on. It sounds like a
sparking / arcing sound, but I can't pinpoint where its coming from.
The Tv appears to work fine, its just a disturbing sound - does anyone
have any ideas / thoughts as to the cause?

are you sure there are no speckles on the image when that occurrs? if
it were so, then you have a HV problem and the crackling may be the
sparkgap on the crt board. it may be worthwhile removing the rear cover
of the set, power up, darken the room and observe the rear of the tube
to eliminate this possibility.
failing that, if there are no adverse symptoms, the set's casing may
expand and contract as the set heats up in use then cools, causing the
OK, have tried it in the dark - There seems so be arcing between a
couple of components near the big C682 capacitor which is causing the
noise. Has anyone had any similar experience? I'm wondering if there's
a poor solder joint, so its arcing instead of taking the normal route
through the board.


I can't tell you if it is a "bad solder joint" because I don't have your
television in front of me ...... have you inspected the area solder
joints??? or just guessing out loud??? Maybe a bad cap? Maybe a carbon
bridge on the board?
Ah sorry, was just thinking outloud. Not really too experienced in TV
repair, but did 2 year electronics course a couple of years ago, so am
willing to give it a go. I've had a look, and the arcing isn't from the
cap after all. Its next to it. There's a very big component on the
board, with several connection labelled A-G, and 2 wires (one blue, one
red) coming from it and going to the CRT. I can't for the lift of me
remember what its called. Anyway, the arcing is between that component
and another piece of metal on the board next to it. Does that give
anyone any more ideas?


Ideas? Yes..... you need to TAKE the television to a qualified tech at a
service shop for at the very least a repair cost estimate so you can make an
intelligent repair decision with facts instead of internet guesses.
It would be safer for you and better for your television if you immediately
put the rear cover back on your television and get it to a shop.
You can go to the website for this newsgroup at
plan to spend some search time there looking over the wealth of
troubleshooting tips, repair procedures, component testing methods and
IMPORTANT SAFETY information..