Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Marconi TF-1041 Manual wanted

Am trying to repair and restore a couple of old Marconi TF-1041C Valve Voltmeters.
I have managed to download the circuit diagram from the internet, but it would be really helpful to have the manual for the calibration procedure.
Does anyone either have a TF1014 manual for copying or know where to get one?
With thanks

Many thanks Dave.
Yes, similar, and a help!
Have made many lines of enquiry now with result that only the B version which has different power supply design, component location, other differences, appears to be available anywhere.
But at least I should be able to complete the job using this and the C version circuit diagram. (thanks to Electrojumble and other museum).
However, the manual for the "C" version seems to have disappeared from UK.
None of the usual sellers have a copy either.
It is a great shame there is no central library of manuals of all this beautiful old Marconi equipment, a lot of the information is becoming lost.
Someone sold a 1041C Manual on EBay some time ago, I might contact them again to ask to whom they sold it, and try to get a copy that way. If I do I will try and publish on one of the museum sites.


no probs John

yeah, I also saw lots of references to the B version and nothing for the C version
... the way it goes sometimes

post a couple of pics of your unit ( inside and outside) and dont forget to come back to this thread at some stage and let us all know how you got on with the repairs/restoration. :)

Just to let anyone who is interested that I found the TF-1041C manual eventually.
Am pleased to say that eventually I restored the two valve voltmeters, not helped by their being considerably different interior design. The layout of calibration preset potentiometers and wiring was completely different despite both marked as TF-1041C and looking identical externally. I think the circuit design was the same though, luckily. The manual calibration procedure is needed, as it is not completely straightforward and differs from the B version.

If anyone needs a copy of manual contact me.