Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mammie wants to buy iMac MC508NA


Skybuck Flying


Today my Mammie went to a store and she wants to buy an Apple iMac MC508NA.

I have two primary questions about this:

1. Does it have a webcam ?

2. What chipset is inside it ? (I hope it's not the defective intel 6000
series ?!?)

Any help with these two questions would be great... I tried googling on my
mammie's current PC but it didn't turn up much or conflicting answers or
missing information...

I shall keep trying now that I am behind my own PC but if this hunt fails as
well then at least I posted this question in case anybody knows or already
has this iMac model at home...


Skybuck Flying


Mammie cancelled it because other family member said that we couldn't help
her with it because we all use windows...

Instead mammie now ordered a toshiba laptop...

Me slightly disappointed but I guess it's better that way after all...

So mammie apperently sticking with windows... probably windows 7...

Skybuck ;)

Skybuck Flying

It's now been 3 weeks ago, and the laptop still has not arrived, mammia said
she was gonna inform at the store today... she already made a little down
payment 3 weeks ago ! gjez.

Mammie was smart too, she started wondering if earthquake/tsunami in japan
might lead to even further wait time ?! ;)

I said mammie should cancel it and demand money back if they don't hurry up
and buy elsewhere ! ;) =D

Skybuck. :(


Joel Koltner said:
Don't they have stores in your country where laptops are kept in stock? Just
go up, pay your money, walk out with a new laptop?

Please don't followup on "Skybuck Flying" postings. He is a troll.

Skybuck Flying

Mammie has Laptop now... since a few days or so... maybe a week...

Windows 7/Toshiba and so forth...

Wireless interent... gje...

Processor was iCore 5.
