Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Making RGB LED display from VGA port

Hello friends,
I would like to make a simple RGB
LED display panel and drive it with the output of the VGA port on my pc so that I can display information on the pc screen onto the LED display
panel. I've just learned the pin definitions of the relevant vga port: Pin 1: Red video data
Pin 2: Green video data
Pin 3: Blue video data
Pins 6,7,8: Red, Green and Blue groundings
Pin 13: Horizontal sync
Pin 14: Vertical sync .
My problem is how to drive the 307,200 (640×480) pixels with the single RGB LEDs from the vga port and combining it with the vertical
and horizontal syncs. I need help on relevant circuits, ICs (registers, multiplexers, encoders etc...)
Data output of the VGA port are analogue signals.
Thank you.