Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Making DC battery Power



I asked a question about batteries and DC power adapter a few weeks ago
and now I have a small (I hope) dilemma.

I am using the advice of a cordless battery pack and charger to power my
wife's yarn spinner. I purchased a charger for a tool I already have to
eliminate buying more accessories. Therefore, I bought this second
charger >>> with
plans to gut it and wire the two contacts for power, which you'll see
here >>>>

The general idea was to remove the wires to the contacts and solder an
adapter cord which fits the insert of the spinner, thus, direct power.
Upon disassembling the charger, I quickly discovered those contacts are
soldered to the circuit board, but also, I was thinking about those
three other prongs which the battery makes contact with, which you'll
see in these photos >>> You'll
see the two straight-up prongs to the left and the three loop prongs to
the right. My plan of direct wire contact is not what I expected and now
I'm uncertain how to do this.

Anyone care to offer advice how to achieve my objective?

Thank you

Helmut Wabnig

I asked a question about batteries and DC power adapter a few weeks ago
and now I have a small (I hope) dilemma.

I am using the advice of a cordless battery pack and charger to power my
wife's yarn spinner. I purchased a charger for a tool I already have to
eliminate buying more accessories. Therefore, I bought this second
charger >>> with
plans to gut it and wire the two contacts for power, which you'll see
here >>>>

The general idea was to remove the wires to the contacts and solder an
adapter cord which fits the insert of the spinner, thus, direct power.
Upon disassembling the charger, I quickly discovered those contacts are
soldered to the circuit board, but also, I was thinking about those
three other prongs which the battery makes contact with, which you'll
see in these photos >>> You'll
see the two straight-up prongs to the left and the three loop prongs to
the right. My plan of direct wire contact is not what I expected and now
I'm uncertain how to do this.

Anyone care to offer advice how to achieve my objective?

Thank you

I do not understand the problem.
Soldering two wires cannot be that difficult.
Of course you need tools like soldering iron, 40/60 solder, and flux.



Allow me to elaborate on my objective.

The wife uses an electric yarn spinner, which obviously, already has a
power cord w/transformer(120v to 12v). She wants the option of using the
spinner without the cord when there isn't an outlet available (ex:
Outside). Therefore, I decided to make her a battery powered adapter and
choose to use a 12v battery from one of my cordless tools. I purchased
an extra charging pack, which you saw in the photo. My plan is to gut
the inner components to disable the charging feature and simply use the
charging station as a battery holder and power supply. Thus, I need
those prongs to remain in the case after I've removed the circuit board.
Obviously, I no longer need the circuit board because I don't need it to
charge. What I need is a case with the prongs attached to it so I can
insert the battery for connection. Since the prongs are part of the
circuit board, they won't be available on the case for me to solder
wires for the spinner. The only thing I can currently think of is to
remove the prongs from the circuit board and adhere them on the case.
Then I would solder two wires from a connector which fits her spinner
and I'm good to go. Though now, after viewing the three loop prongs, I'm
uncertain of their function and how I would wire them along with the
other two straight prongs.

I hope I explained it better.

Thank you

Michael Black

60/40 The tin is listed first. :)
I think I got some of that 40/60 soler. Decades back, I got some solder
that sure didn't work, and I soon tossed it. I have no idea if it was
somehow a bad batch, or I accidentally bought the wrong kind, it's been so
long. But it sure wouldn't solder electronics properly.


Helmut Wabnig

I think I got some of that 40/60 soler. Decades back, I got some solder
that sure didn't work, and I soon tossed it. I have no idea if it was
somehow a bad batch, or I accidentally bought the wrong kind, it's been so
long. But it sure wouldn't solder electronics properly.
Possibly high temperature solder?

At my workplace I had the first place after the entry door.
Every now and then somebody would come in and ask for a piece
of solder. Then I found some solder which looked almost like normal
solder but would melt some 20 degrees higher.
Friendly and helpful as I am I generously provided the collegs with
what they needed.

Soon that ended.


Helmut Wabnig

Allow me to elaborate on my objective.

The wife uses an electric yarn spinner, which obviously, already has a
power cord w/transformer(120v to 12v). She wants the option of using the
spinner without the cord when there isn't an outlet available (ex:
Outside). Therefore, I decided to make her a battery powered adapter and
choose to use a 12v battery from one of my cordless tools. I purchased
an extra charging pack, which you saw in the photo. My plan is to gut
the inner components to disable the charging feature and simply use the
charging station as a battery holder and power supply. Thus, I need
those prongs to remain in the case after I've removed the circuit board.
Obviously, I no longer need the circuit board because I don't need it to
charge. What I need is a case with the prongs attached to it so I can
insert the battery for connection. Since the prongs are part of the
circuit board, they won't be available on the case for me to solder
wires for the spinner. The only thing I can currently think of is to
remove the prongs from the circuit board and adhere them on the case.
Then I would solder two wires from a connector which fits her spinner
and I'm good to go. Though now, after viewing the three loop prongs, I'm
uncertain of their function and how I would wire them along with the
other two straight prongs.

I hope I explained it better.
As I understand it you will charge the battery in another charger.

You want to use a surplus charger as battery holder only.
You don't have to disable the charging feature.
Just leave it on its place and add the two wires
to the battery contacts,
The idling charging circuitry will not take much power
off the battery. Maybe one LED will light, cut that off.



As I understand it you will charge the battery in another charger.
That is correct.
You want to use a surplus charger as battery holder only.

Correct and supply the power to the spinner.
You don't have to disable the charging feature.
Just leave it on its place and add the two wires
to the battery contacts,
The idling charging circuitry will not take much power
off the battery. Maybe one LED will light, cut that off.
Is it ok to solder the two wires on the underside of the circuit board
where the prongs/contacts are?

I assume it's ok to cut the power cord also?

Thank you


I didn't want it to appear like a cheesy rigged contraption with a
battery laying down with wires sticking out of it.

Jasen Betts

I asked a question about batteries and DC power adapter a few weeks ago
and now I have a small (I hope) dilemma.

I am using the advice of a cordless battery pack and charger to power my
wife's yarn spinner. I purchased a charger for a tool I already have to
eliminate buying more accessories. Therefore, I bought this second
charger >>> with
plans to gut it and wire the two contacts for power, which you'll see
here >>>>

Ooh! lithium ion. that stuff is easily damaged.
The general idea was to remove the wires to the contacts and solder an
adapter cord which fits the insert of the spinner, thus, direct power.
Upon disassembling the charger, I quickly discovered those contacts are
soldered to the circuit board, but also, I was thinking about those
three other prongs which the battery makes contact with, which you'll
see in these photos >>> You'll
see the two straight-up prongs to the left and the three loop prongs to
the right. My plan of direct wire contact is not what I expected and now
I'm uncertain how to do this.

the extra contacts are for balancing the cells in the battery during
charging, and for monitoring temperature etc... AIUI you don't need
them during discharge, but with lithium you can damage the battery if
you deplete it too much, I'm not sure how best to protect against that.

easiest way to re-purpose the device is to cut the tracks on the
circuit board and solder wires to the underside of the contacts.

Helmut Wabnig

That is correct.

Correct and supply the power to the spinner.

Is it ok to solder the two wires on the underside of the circuit board
where the prongs/contacts are?

I assume it's ok to cut the power cord also?

Thank you

As someone said, you may cut the traces underneath the print
which lead from/to the contact springs. This is 110% safe.
I use a carpet knife and/or a small Dremel for that job.
Be sure to leave enough trace to mechanically hold the contact
springs, cut in a centimeter distance.
Also cut the power cord, of course.



Depending on your actual run time vs. calculated you may want to consider a
AC Inverter so that you can charge the battery in the field.

Is she spinning for show/demostration or spinning and then making clothing
etc. for family or for sale?? That many hours of spinning is a lot of wool.

That's what she does. She purchases the wool or hair, spins it into yarn
then knits clothing. She also has a manual spinners and still uses it,
but the electric spinner is compact and easily transportable.

If we had the yard space, she would seriously consider purchasing Angora
sheep and rabbits......seriously, that's not a joke. I'm thankful I
bought a small home.
Sorry I had the impression that this was if she wanted do some spinning
under the back yard Maple Tree. Sounds like it is a serious endeavor.

Normally, I tend to agree.

Her: "Going out to the gazebo to do some spinning"
Me: "Ok, extensions cords are in the garage"


Unfortunately, as I stated, she goes elsewhere. Besides, she's lazy when
it comes to simple endeavors. The damn woman runs several miles a day
and works out, yet is too damn lazy to pick up the simplest item.
I agree, however I do that stuff on a daily basis for my customer base.
Doing it around the home seems to strain my brain a bit. Although
some times it becomes unavoidlable. :)

Yes, I can relate.