Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Making a li-ion battery pack for an old iPod HiFi

I picked up an old iPod HiFi from Goodwill for $50. Now I want to turn it into the ultimate camping sound system by stuffing the lame stock D-cell space with li-ion batteries. My problem is not building the battery pack, Ive done it before and there is a ton of information on the internet. My problem is matching the battery pack voltage to the 9V required by the HiFi.

The HiFi takes 6 1.5V D-cells in series for a total of 9V. The D-cells I used were pretty used and only produced a total of 7.2V. As you all know, 18650 cells produce 3.7V nominal, which is where my problem is. My preference would be to use 3 li ion cells in series, but this would be supplying the HiFi with about 11V. The other alternative is to use two and give it 7.4V nominal, but this is going to drop off as the batteries get drained.

So is there a way to supply the correct 9V to the HiFi in an energy efficient manner? Im pretty capable, but im still just a mechanical engineer so im having trouble getting started.
go the 11volt route and then chuck a couple of diodes in to knock down the voltage
use a power regulator (pretty cheap these days)