Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Machines' "Parts Lists" (as opposed to a list of parts w/o ref to what machines they work in)?

I was wondering if someone could recommend a central source for "parts lists" for (almost) any given machine.

Was hoping somebody acts as a "reference library" for machines in general. We find descriptions of thousands of parts, but there's typically no reference as to what machines those parts can be used in.

Thank you!


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Ah you have started a thread.

As I said elsewhere, any part can be used in any piece of equipment limited only by the designers imagination and any size/weight/cost constraints.
"parts lists" for (almost) any given machine."?
VW Bug?...iPhone?...Vacuum cleaner?
Google the make and model of the "machine"
Then look for the parts list or service manual on that site.

If all you have is a part, then what (*steve*) said.
