Maker Pro
Maker Pro

M2732A can not erase or program

I have six M2732A Eprom which I erase for 20min then try to program in two programmer both program error at 0x000000 chip -0x06 buffer -0x3c I have the willem and the top853 and I have try many time as it seem to me that the six Eprom are faulty .can any one help with this problem


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
What error do you get? Is it that they are not erased? Have you tried reading them after erasing them and prior to writing them?

Presumably this is a UV eraser? Do the chips have the quartz window? Is the window covered? Have you tried erasing them for longer?

Do you have any chips that you have been able to successfully erase?
What error do you get? Is it that they are not erased? Have you tried reading them after erasing them and prior to writing them?

Presumably this is a UV eraser? Do the chips have the quartz window? Is the window covered? Have you tried erasing them for longer?

Do you have any chips that you have been able to successfully erase?
yes I have erase three Rom and when I program this is what happen Error at 0x000000 chip-0x6 buffer-0x3c on all three Rom and I have erase longer with no go with error
Unfortunately I can't understand your answer.
I can't understand all so I can not program them and erase them when I do a blank check 3 of them are fine but when I program that what happen I guess they are faulty and I will put them in the bin


you didn't really answer Steve's questions
so I will ask again......

1) did you use a proper UV lamp ?
2) have you tried erasing for a longer time period ?
3) presumably the eproms have the glass windows ?
4) presumably you removed any tabs over the glass windows ?



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd

5) did you try reading the eproms after you had erased them? (OK, you've said you've done a blank check)
6) what does that error mean (that the eproms aren't erased? or something else?)
7) do you have any other eproms that you have successfully programmed? (were they the same type? can you erase and reprogram them?)
steve i have try every thing I have erase longer for 1 hour the window on the rom is clear and i buy the uv erase on ebay I have done a read on rom and they say if you erase for a long time it will damage the rom i have erase more than 10 time i have no problem with 2764 or 27128 and 27512 on the same programmer and eraser


Sadly passed away in 2015
Can you post the complete markings from the package, or a photo?

EPROMs do not last forever, especially old ones.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
OK, the fact that you have used both the programmer and the eraser successfully with other chips tends to suggest it is an EPROM failure.

If you've tried erasing for longer, that's probably the best you can do (or at least it's all I'm aware you can do).
I have 3 questions about this.
Have you programmed any other EPROMs or other chips in the programmer, and verified that it works after your tried the 2732s?
Have you selected the correct EPROM type in the programmer? The 2732A is a NMOS chip and I would think it requires a high voltage Vpp.
Have you successfully programmed any M2732A EPROMs in this programmer?

You have socketed the EPROMs correctly in the programmer?

BTW I always use at least 30 mins erase time, since most UV lamps are getting older, and so are the EPROMs.


Sadly passed away in 2015
Also, different brands can have different requirements - VPP voltage, timing. That's why I asked for all the markings. Manufacturer, date code, full part number.
I just checked up the datasheets for the STM and the Intel version of this EPROM. They say to be careful to select the M2732A since the M2732 need a higher voltage that will damage the A part. (21V vs 25V)