Maker Pro
Maker Pro

M 8014 hammond organ

I have a model M 8014 hammond organ. It has very little
volume,especiallyon the top keyboard.
the volume control has no effect. only the 2 drawbars on the left side
have give any effect (only on the lower console) the others show a
variance in resistance with a meter but do not affect the organ.a
couple of times the organ volume came right up for a second or so but
didn't stay.also the pedals don't work. HELP Please
[email protected]


I have a model M 8014 hammond organ. It has very little
volume,especiallyon the top keyboard.
the volume control has no effect. only the 2 drawbars on the left side
have give any effect (only on the lower console) the others show a
variance in resistance with a meter but do not affect the organ.a
couple of times the organ volume came right up for a second or so but
didn't stay.also the pedals don't work. HELP Please
[email protected]

Your question might be answered better if you post it on
That NG seems to be moderately active, and is more focused on your instrument.

Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just substitute the appropriate characters in the

Some days you're the dog, some days the hydrant.


DaveM ha escrito:
Your question might be answered better if you post it on
That NG seems to be moderately active, and is more focused on your instrument.

Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just substitute the appropriate characters in the

Some days you're the dog, some days the hydrant.

maybe it's in mourning for klaus Wunderlich!