Maker Pro
Maker Pro



The Doctor

27 " LXI, 15 years old. Suddenly not responsive to video controls
(birghtness, contrast, etc). The sliders move on the menu screen but
the picture does not adjust. Looks like everthing has gone to a
maxxed out setting.

Mod 43908
Ser 233556088
Cha CTC 169AS2
Aug 1992

Leonard Caillouet

What is your level of experience? Retrace in pix? Any measurements taken?


The Doctor

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007 22:40:05 -0400, "Leonard Caillouet"

Len -
What is your level of experience?
I am not a TV tech per se, however I do have formal education in EE
and a fair amount of experience.
Retrace in pix? Yes.

Any measurements taken?
No. The only test equipment I own is a Fluke multimeter.

This unit is one of several in the establishment where I work. I was
hoping that the symptoms might point to something specific - perhaps
some kind of control board fault. Just trying to save the boss some
money. If you think it could be something like an open resistor or
diode I could probably track it down. As I said, I'm not a TV tech so
don't lose me in the technical jargon. OTOH, if it isn't worth it...

Regards - tony


ctc 169 had problems with the video driver transistor check it and replace