Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LTSpice is easier now



A couple things you can do to make life easier when using
the excellent LTSpice simulator:

1) When you're happy with your equation in the Expression Editor
copy and paste it into the schematic with a note.

Example: Edit>Text>[CTRL-V of]
V(N001,N002)*I(R1) ;Power into circuit.
That way, you can copy and paste the equation back into the
rawfile editor to see how power has changed without having
to type it in for each simulation generation.

2) You can delete all of the uninteresting test points on the
schematic by placing another test point and double-clicking
instead of single-clicking. Only your new test point remains!
This is way faster than deleting them individually in the
rawfile editor.


--Winston <-- Now doing the Geek Happy Dance!