Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LTSpice Help

Hello Everyone,

I am new to the ltspice.
I am trying to import a third party OPAMP (MCP6L04) into ltspice. I download the spice model and added in the SPICE directories.

When I compile it, I am getting an error: "Analysis: Time steps too small; initial timepoint:trouble with node u1:21"

I have attached a .asc file. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.



  • test1.asc
    3.6 KB · Views: 90
Last edited:
I don't know how good the model is. I got it to work by adding some series resistance to the power and signal sources. Also add the .options functions on the image I have posted.

You may find it works without the gmin options but I seemed to get a faster response by adding this. The other option can solve time-step too small issues by adding a very small delay to all the nodes. I have used this a few times before and it has helped.