SOMEwhere recently I saw a circuit for a low voltage cutout for vehicle
applications. I'm pretty sure is was an Australian site. The circuit cut off
the auxilliary battery when voltage dropped below a preset value. The one I
recall allowed this present value to be varied. Is anyone aware of the
particular circuit/kit? I am not thinking of the Altronics on that has a
set cutoff. I have searched, but simply can't find it. (I think my google
is a bit wet in Brisbane's rain this afternoon!)
applications. I'm pretty sure is was an Australian site. The circuit cut off
the auxilliary battery when voltage dropped below a preset value. The one I
recall allowed this present value to be varied. Is anyone aware of the
particular circuit/kit? I am not thinking of the Altronics on that has a
set cutoff. I have searched, but simply can't find it. (I think my google
is a bit wet in Brisbane's rain this afternoon!)