Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Low power quartz oscillator problem (two frequencies)


Miguel Gimenez

I'm using a TI MSP430 microcontroller. It has a low power oscillator
suitable for 32768 Hz quartzs that is internally multiplied for CPU usage.

For a frecuency meter application, I'm feeding the 32768 signal to a timer
and counting transitions of a signal between two timer IRQs. The readings
were affected by a "jitter" that, after inspection, was caused by IRQs
firing with an uncertainty of 375 ns over 1 ms.

Looking with the oscilloscope the quartz signal, there are two frequencies:
the nominal (32768) and other about 2500 Hz above and 10 dB lower. Also
appears the difference between the two.

Other brands of quartz show the same behaviour. The quartz is guarded and
the traces are short (about 3 mm).

If I change the 32768 quartz by a 4 MHz one, the jitter dissapears (down to
3 ns) and the readings are OK, but the CPU draws a lot more power and the
lythium battery life is too short.

Please, tell me how can I eliminate this second frequency. I have read about
"spurious modes" in quartzs, but I don't know if this is the case, and it's
strange that various brands show the same behaviour.

Best regards
Miguel Giménez


Miguel Gimenez said:
I'm using a TI MSP430 microcontroller. It has a low power oscillator
suitable for 32768 Hz quartzs that is internally multiplied for CPU usage.

For a frecuency meter application, I'm feeding the 32768 signal to a timer
and counting transitions of a signal between two timer IRQs. The readings
were affected by a "jitter" that, after inspection, was caused by IRQs
firing with an uncertainty of 375 ns over 1 ms.

Looking with the oscilloscope the quartz signal, there are two frequencies:
the nominal (32768) and other about 2500 Hz above and 10 dB lower. Also
appears the difference between the two.

Other brands of quartz show the same behaviour. The quartz is guarded and
the traces are short (about 3 mm).

If I change the 32768 quartz by a 4 MHz one, the jitter dissapears (down to
3 ns) and the readings are OK, but the CPU draws a lot more power and the
lythium battery life is too short.

Please, tell me how can I eliminate this second frequency. I have read about
"spurious modes" in quartzs, but I don't know if this is the case, and it's
strange that various brands show the same behaviour.

Best regards
Miguel Giménez
The extra frequency 2500Hz above could be either du to a quartz spurious
or something in the internal structure of the processor.
If the problem lies with the crystal:
Unwanted spurious are designed to be higher resistance than the wanted.
An oscillator maintaining circuit that activates an unwanted spurious
has gain too high.
If the oscillator circuit employs capacitors to ground at the two ends
of the crystal then the gain can be reduced by increasing these
capacitors say from 15 pf to 30 or 50pF by experiment. This will move
the frequency down by ppm but this can be raised by introducing an
additional series capacitor with the crystal.
Note that as crystals get smaller their potential to be over driven
increases so that a series resistor will decrease the current through
the crystal.

J M Noeding

The extra frequency 2500Hz above could be either du to a quartz spurious
or something in the internal structure of the processor.
If the problem lies with the crystal:
Unwanted spurious are designed to be higher resistance than the wanted.
An oscillator maintaining circuit that activates an unwanted spurious
has gain too high.
If the oscillator circuit employs capacitors to ground at the two ends
of the crystal then the gain can be reduced by increasing these
capacitors say from 15 pf to 30 or 50pF by experiment. This will move
the frequency down by ppm but this can be raised by introducing an
additional series capacitor with the crystal.
Note that as crystals get smaller their potential to be over driven
increases so that a series resistor will decrease the current through
the crystal.

it is presented some arguments which are not really important,
it is no difficulties involved making a "4MHz" cmos oscillator with
divider, using a '4060 is a suggestion. It is many readily available
xtals in the region of 2-14MHz, so I don't really see the reason for
choosing 4MHz


Phil Hobbs

Miguel said:
I'm using a TI MSP430 microcontroller. It has a low power oscillator
suitable for 32768 Hz quartzs that is internally multiplied for CPU usage.

For a frecuency meter application, I'm feeding the 32768 signal to a timer
and counting transitions of a signal between two timer IRQs. The readings
were affected by a "jitter" that, after inspection, was caused by IRQs
firing with an uncertainty of 375 ns over 1 ms.

Looking with the oscilloscope the quartz signal, there are two frequencies:
the nominal (32768) and other about 2500 Hz above and 10 dB lower. Also
appears the difference between the two.

Other brands of quartz show the same behaviour. The quartz is guarded and
the traces are short (about 3 mm).

If I change the 32768 quartz by a 4 MHz one, the jitter dissapears (down to
3 ns) and the readings are OK, but the CPU draws a lot more power and the
lythium battery life is too short.

Please, tell me how can I eliminate this second frequency. I have read about
"spurious modes" in quartzs, but I don't know if this is the case, and it's
strange that various brands show the same behaviour.

Best regards
Miguel Giménez
Crystal oscillators run at a frequency at which the round-trip phase is
0 degrees, but there can be more than one such place, since the crystal
is not a simple inductor. Your crystal may be wanting to run too close
to its series resonance for the crystal tank circuit to have a single
well-defined resonance. (High-overtone crystals often show this
behaviour since they look capacitive at all frequencies, and the same
capacitive reactance will occur on both sides of resonance.) Something
to try would be putting a lowish-value capacitor (say 100 pF or 470 pF)
in series with the crystal, to shift the resonance to a frequency where
the crystal itself is more inductive.


Phil Hobbs


Hi Miguel,

It could also be something caused by another part of the circuitry. Is
the power supply properly bypassed? Can you see those 2500Hz anywhere
else, on any other pin?

Regards, Joerg

Tim Shoppa

Miguel Gimenez said:
I'm using a TI MSP430 microcontroller. It has a low power oscillator
suitable for 32768 Hz quartzs that is internally multiplied for CPU usage.

For a frecuency meter application, I'm feeding the 32768 signal to a timer
and counting transitions of a signal between two timer IRQs. The readings
were affected by a "jitter" that, after inspection, was caused by IRQs
firing with an uncertainty of 375 ns over 1 ms.

Keep in mind that the 32768 kHz oscillator is swinging about 3V in
1/32768th of a second. That's a slew rate of only 0.2V or so per microsecond.
In terms of digital logic thresholds, that's a glacially slow rate, and even
though there's a Schmitt trigger to clean it up you will be quite sensitive
to other noise sources and modulations on your Vcc which will vary the
Schmitt trigger threshold.
Looking with the oscilloscope the quartz signal, there are two frequencies:
the nominal (32768) and other about 2500 Hz above and 10 dB lower. Also
appears the difference between the two.

Other brands of quartz show the same behaviour. The quartz is guarded and
the traces are short (about 3 mm).

If I change the 32768 quartz by a 4 MHz one, the jitter dissapears (down to
3 ns) and the readings are OK, but the CPU draws a lot more power and the
lythium battery life is too short.

Keep in mind that the 4MHz crystal will be slewing around 20V/microsecond...
a much better clip.
Please, tell me how can I eliminate this second frequency. I have read about
"spurious modes" in quartzs, but I don't know if this is the case, and it's
strange that various brands show the same behaviour.

I don't think this is so much a spurious mode of the quartz... my gut feeling
is that variations in Vcc (possibly related to an output load toggled by the
processor?) changing the Schmitt trigger thresholds at the oscillator

I believe that I've seen app notes (Dallas Semi?) about putting guard
traces around the oscillator pins and components to reduce some of the noise
effects, but in the case of phase modulation through Vcc variations this
won't help. I think it does help with the inherent high input impedances
associated with low power oscillators.

Can you lengthen the counting interval?



J M Noeding said:
it is presented some arguments which are not really important,
it is no difficulties involved making a "4MHz" cmos oscillator with
divider, using a '4060 is a suggestion. It is many readily available
xtals in the region of 2-14MHz, so I don't really see the reason for
choosing 4MHz

32kHz osc charges capacitors less often so draws less power.

Miguel Gimenez

Tim Shoppa said:
I don't think this is so much a spurious mode of the quartz... my gut feeling
is that variations in Vcc (possibly related to an output load toggled by the
processor?) changing the Schmitt trigger thresholds at the oscillator

I had the usual decoupling capacitors near the Vcc pins, then added a 15 ohm
series resistance. I have tested the circuit with the lythium battery and an
external power supply, with same results. I'll check the ground plane
I believe that I've seen app notes (Dallas Semi?) about putting guard
traces around the oscillator pins and components to reduce some of the noise
effects, but in the case of phase modulation through Vcc variations this
won't help. I think it does help with the inherent high input impedances
associated with low power oscillators.

It's recommended by Texas. I have no noisy lines near the quartz traces, and
they are very short. The only drawback can be that the quartz is on the back
of the uP connected by two vias.
Can you lengthen the counting interval?

The circuit must track the frequency variation caused by a moving part, the
counting interval is hardly modifiable.

Best regards
Miguel Giménez

Miguel Gimenez

Joerg said:
Hi Miguel,

It could also be something caused by another part of the circuitry. Is
the power supply properly bypassed? Can you see those 2500Hz anywhere
else, on any other pin?

Regards, Joerg

I have a 15 Ohm series resistor and a 100nF capacitor just in the uP power
pins. I have tested higher resistors (upto 270 Ohm) and capacitors (from 1uF
to 1000uF). The supply is a 3V lythium battery, in parallel with a 68uF
tantalum capacitor and a 100nF ceramic capacitor, all SMD.

The uP's only task is
- sleep waiting for IRQ (only oscillator runs)
- read and store counter data
- loop

repeating each milisecond. No other pins change, except the input for the
measured signal that is about 8 MHz.

I'll check the ground plane and the guard ring.

Best regards
Miguel Giménez

Miguel Gimenez

Phil Hobbs said:
0 degrees, but there can be more than one such place, since the crystal
is not a simple inductor. Your crystal may be wanting to run too close
to its series resonance for the crystal tank circuit to have a single
well-defined resonance. (High-overtone crystals often show this
behaviour since they look capacitive at all frequencies, and the same
capacitive reactance will occur on both sides of resonance.) Something
to try would be putting a lowish-value capacitor (say 100 pF or 470 pF)
in series with the crystal, to shift the resonance to a frequency where
the crystal itself is more inductive.

Following your indications I have tested capacitors from 22 pF to 15 nF.
With 1 nF the jitter reduces to about 1/3 , but it's still there. The Pierce
capacitors are inside the uP, so I only can test in series with the quartz
itself, no with the XOut line as seen in some documents.

I'll check the PCB traces, the guard ring and the ground plane.

Miguel Giménez

Tim Shoppa

Miguel Gimenez said:
I had the usual decoupling capacitors near the Vcc pins, then added a 15 ohm
series resistance. I have tested the circuit with the lythium battery and an
external power supply, with same results. I'll check the ground plane

Decoupling is good, but if there are internal impedances going to the
oscillator then the phase modulation that I am postulating can't be
gotten rid of by all the external decoupling in the world. The
15 ohm series resistance you added may make things worse if
the noise is coming from the MSP430's innards.

Is there any chance you have enough board real estate to make an
external 32.768kHz oscillator? That you could probably decouple
well enough. All you really need is an inverter for the oscillator,
another inverter for an output buffer (kindof optional), an R and two

Most applications for 32.768kHz oscillators will not be sensitive
to the phase noise/jitter that you are seeing. That's good for
those applications, but not good for yours, because most microcontrollers
emphasize low power consumption and reliable starting over your needs.
[Can't lengthen counting inverval]

What is your counting interval, what's the frequency, and what are
the constraints? If 300ns of jitter in the 32.768kHz clock is important,
I'm guessing that you are counting in the 10 MHz region and that the
resulting jitter is in the last digit, if the interval is around 1 sec.


Tim Shoppa

Miguel Gimenez said:
The uP's only task is
- sleep waiting for IRQ (only oscillator runs)
- read and store counter data
- loop

repeating each milisecond.

Ah, the "repeating each millisecond" is a good clue, especially if
you are observing a 2 kHz phase noise phenomenon. Think about it: the
MSP430's power consumption spikes by a factor of 100 each time
it wakes up. Can you modify your code so that it never falls
asleep (idle loops instead, maybe?)


Tim Wescott

Miguel said:
Following your indications I have tested capacitors from 22 pF to 15 nF.
With 1 nF the jitter reduces to about 1/3 , but it's still there. The Pierce
capacitors are inside the uP, so I only can test in series with the quartz
itself, no with the XOut line as seen in some documents.

I'll check the PCB traces, the guard ring and the ground plane.

Miguel Giménez
If you can't access the capacitors (very bummer) you should seriously
consider trying different brands of crystals. Spurious resonances in
crystals is something that is more or less under the manufacturer's
control, if they care.

Miguel Gimenez

Tim Shoppa said:
Ah, the "repeating each millisecond" is a good clue, especially if
you are observing a 2 kHz phase noise phenomenon. Think about it: the
MSP430's power consumption spikes by a factor of 100 each time
it wakes up. Can you modify your code so that it never falls
asleep (idle loops instead, maybe?)

If I do that the problem gets worse, but for a different reason: the IRQ
isn't serviced until the end of the current instruction, so I'm adding an
uncertainty of 0 to 3 cycles, 250 ns each.
Is there any chance you have enough board real estate to make an
external 32.768kHz oscillator? That you could probably decouple
well enough. All you really need is an inverter for the oscillator,
another inverter for an output buffer (kindof optional), an R and two
C 's.

I have little board available and the two sides are populated. I would need
also a disable pin, as the board is never disconnected: the uC goes to "deep
sleep" mode instead of powering off. Maybe a good solution for the 2.0
What is your counting interval, what's the frequency, and what are
the constraints? If 300ns of jitter in the 32.768kHz clock is important,
I'm guessing that you are counting in the 10 MHz region and that the
resulting jitter is in the last digit, if the interval is around 1 sec.

I'm counting during about a millisecond (4,096 / 4,000,000), the frequency
is about 8 MHz, and I need the second derivative in order to calculate the
acceleration of the probe. The jitter produces a random (actually almost
cyclical with a 5 sample period) error from 0 to 10 units over the 0 to 60
scale (unusable). With the 4 MHz (or 2 MHz) quartz, I have an error less
than 0.5 units caused almost entirely by mechanical issues. The scope shows
a jitter of about 2 ns. I'm thinking about connecting a popular 1.8432 MHz
quartz for the first batch.

Thank you
Miguel Giménez