Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking to upgrade DVR, please suggest a model with these features.

I had four cams and a dvd installed 2 years ago so I could watch the
house from home.
The reality is I can't watch it all day long, so if something ever
goes wrong, I might not be watching.
I'd like to upgrade to a box that I can add security sensors (door/
window switches and motion detectors) to that can call or send a text
or email message via ethernet connection if the sensors are tripped.
I'd also like to use my four existing cams with it.
Please suggest a DVR box that does all this. THX

Matt Ion

I had four cams and a dvd installed 2 years ago so I could watch the
house from home.
The reality is I can't watch it all day long, so if something ever
goes wrong, I might not be watching.
I'd like to upgrade to a box that I can add security sensors (door/
window switches and motion detectors) to that can call or send a text
or email message via ethernet connection if the sensors are tripped.
I'd also like to use my four existing cams with it.
Please suggest a DVR box that does all this. THX

I can suggest a Vigil DVR from 3xLogic ( it will do
all that. It will also set you back about $5G.

A price range would be really useful if you want more than that.