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Looking to purchase alarm system - suggestions?


Norm Mugford

You guys crack me up........
BTW Thanks for the honorable mention.
It was honorable ....right?

Norm Mugford

Frank Olson

Norm Mugford said:
You guys crack me up........
BTW Thanks for the honorable mention.
It was honorable ....right?

Norm Mugford

It was all based on "hearsay"... ;-))

Frank Olson Quebec eh?

You would "zero in" on the French aspect, wouldn't you?? Hey... Alberta's
got a whole pile of oil and apparently there's a huge resevoir of it off the
BC coast as well. Don't you think it's about time you guys decided to
invade Canada?? After all.. we do have WMD's (Women of Massive Dimensions)
here and several "CANDY-DOO" nuclear reactors that could furnish us with
weapons grade material, eh. The whole operation could be done "on a
shoestring budget" (heck most of your troops could just walk across the
border). You don't even have to employ depleted uranium shells. All our
"tanks" are really cleverly disguised Honda SUV's and most of the F-18's we
bought from our "neighbor to the south" have cracks in the fins and are
grounded (they do look "purty" though all lined up on the tarmac). At best,
we could put up a "spirited" defence with a couple of "Cessna 152


We wire shit together. It takes a skill to strip wire properly and make
sound connections. My guess is, secound to user error, faulty connections
would be next highest on false alarm list. It's not a difficult skill to
master but a skill nonetheless. If the DIY can strip cable, fine, but I'd
want to see it first. I've seen some pretty creative ways of stripping and
connecting wires. One fellow used a boltcutter tool on quad and thought it
was great. I had to redo all his work (on the sly to avoid the ego thing).
It would have eventually been a nightmare of intermittents and opens.
Further, if they're frugal enough to DIY, they're probably not monitored or
have diallers calling friends, whatever, or simply local sirens.
I'd guess that percentage 'd be significant.

J. Sloud

Just got a quote from Slomins - they're the only ones so far who have
offered me a hard-wired system. Full installation is $396 for 3 door
sensors, 4 windows, siren, keypad, and motion detector. I have to sign
a five year contract at $25.45/month plus tax (about $27/month or so)
after which I own the equipment. Is this a reasonable deal? Are there
any benefits to hardwired as opposed to wireless? The Slomins guy said
the only reason to go wireless is if I had a lot of windows, it would
be less intrusive to go wireless, but he said that the problem with the
wireless systems is that over time the battery starts to decay and the
effectiveness is reduced. Any thoughts? Thanks!

That actually sounds like a pretty decent deal. I'm not familiar with
their contracts, so make sure you own the equipment after the initial
term. Read the contract and make sure there aren't any catches.

What brand is the equipment? The installation is important as well.
Do they guarantee your satisfaction? Is the wiring completely
concealed? The only reason to use a wireless system is if you can't
hardwire it practically. Many companies use wireless because it is
easier to install. Wireless, if for no other reason than the
batteries, is inherently less reliable. How many industrial/
commercial fire alarm systems are wireless? Not many.

Mark Leuck

Frank Olson said: Quebec eh?

You would "zero in" on the French aspect, wouldn't you?? Hey... Alberta's
got a whole pile of oil and apparently there's a huge resevoir of it off the
BC coast as well. Don't you think it's about time you guys decided to
invade Canada??

If I recall much of that oil is "ground oil" (my words) and hard to process,
we're just waiting till someone up there figures out how to do it cheaply
before you guys become the 51st state

Robert L. Bass

We wire shit together...

That I believe.
It takes a skill to strip wire properly and make
sound connections.

Perhaps you can still find something more suitable like waiting tables...
If the DIY can strip cable, fine, but I'd
want to see it first...

Looking for free lessons?
I've seen some pretty creative ways of stripping...

Wrong newsgroup.
One fellow used a boltcutter tool on quad and
thought it was great. I had to redo all his work
(on the sly to avoid the ego thing)...

You're such a diplomat.
It would have eventually been a nightmare...

Sounds more like you dreamt the whole thing up.

Frank Olson

If I recall much of that oil is "ground oil" (my words) and hard to
we're just waiting till someone up there figures out how to do it cheaply
before you guys become the 51st state

You're talking "Alberta (Athabasca) Tar Sands" and it represents about 32%
of the world's oil reserves (that's about 1.7 trillion barrels). :p

Mark Leuck

Frank Olson said:
You're talking "Alberta (Athabasca) Tar Sands" and it represents about 32%
of the world's oil reserves (that's about 1.7 trillion barrels). :p

And soon to be a province under my rule, Bush decreed it

Frank Olson

And soon to be a province under my rule, Bush decreed it

Ahhhh... "The Bush"... Well... If he's decreed it, it must be so. Pray
tell... when can we expect the arrival of your magnificence?? I want to
make sure the red carpet is appropriately freshened and all is in order...

no wires showing

Frank Olson Jul 13, 10:27 am show options

From: "Frank Olson" <[email protected]> - Find messages by this author

Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 14:27:02 GMT
Local: Wed,Jul 13 2005 10:27 am
Subject: Re: Looking to purchase alarm system - suggestions?
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You guys crack me up........
BTW Thanks for the honorable mention.
It was honorable ....right?
Norm Mugford

It was all based on "hearsay"... ;-))<

Which makes it a fact in your world, Frankie.
Jesus you're a long winded canuck. Maybe now that that gay figure
skating you call hockey is returning you'll spend more time away from
the puter :)

Frank Olson

Which makes it a fact in your world, Frankie.

You're confusing me with your "pal", Groupie Muderator, again!

Jesus you're a long winded canuck.

Capitalize the "C" in "Canuck", ya ornery yank!!

Maybe now that
that gay figure skating you call hockey is returning you'll
spend more time away from the puter :)

Never was much for "gay blades". Have you seen that new all girl Swedish
team? Now that's
more my style!! :))


Damn don't read the news but they extracted oil from Gaspésie (a region of
Quebec) last month and they say there is much more in there...

Crash Gordon®

152's weren't tail draggers, at least they weren't when I used to test crash them.

Invade Canada? What for - cheap prescription drugs? :)...oh I think we already do that.

| | Quebec eh?
| You would "zero in" on the French aspect, wouldn't you?? Hey... Alberta's
| got a whole pile of oil and apparently there's a huge resevoir of it off the
| BC coast as well. Don't you think it's about time you guys decided to
| invade Canada?? After all.. we do have WMD's (Women of Massive Dimensions)
| here and several "CANDY-DOO" nuclear reactors that could furnish us with
| weapons grade material, eh. The whole operation could be done "on a
| shoestring budget" (heck most of your troops could just walk across the
| border). You don't even have to employ depleted uranium shells. All our
| "tanks" are really cleverly disguised Honda SUV's and most of the F-18's we
| bought from our "neighbor to the south" have cracks in the fins and are
| grounded (they do look "purty" though all lined up on the tarmac). At best,
| we could put up a "spirited" defence with a couple of "Cessna 152
| taildraggers"...

Crash Gordon®

We've been getting 4-6 years on the CR123 lithums, pretty good with the heat we have out here...and we get low-batt signals from the points loonnng before they totally die...usually a week or two warning. With a 3 door/1pir system he'd be looking at a 30 buck battery investment every 5 years lets say...not bad.

| | > Just got a quote from Slomins - they're the only ones so far who have
| > offered me a hard-wired system. Full installation is $396 for 3 door
| > sensors, 4 windows, siren, keypad, and motion detector. I have to sign
| > a five year contract at $25.45/month plus tax (about $27/month or so)
| > after which I own the equipment. Is this a reasonable deal? Are there
| > any benefits to hardwired as opposed to wireless? The Slomins guy said
| > the only reason to go wireless is if I had a lot of windows, it would
| > be less intrusive to go wireless, but he said that the problem with the
| > wireless systems is that over time the battery starts to decay and the
| > effectiveness is reduced. Any thoughts? Thanks!
| The deal sounds okay but he's dead wrong about wireless sensors, most use
| lithium batteries which have a very stable voltage curve, the sensors
| themselves have quite a bit of lee-way concerning operating voltages.
| In other words the sensors will work correctly and don't reduce
| effectiveness due to battery decay

Frank Olson

Crash Gordon® said:
152's weren't tail draggers, at least they weren't when I used to test
crash them.

Inside joke. You'd have had to have been here about a year ago when Bass
insisted that 152's were tail draggers. When he "got caught", he changed it
to "150" (which is also *wrong*) then insisted that the 150 was the
"precursor" to the C-182. Robert (aka "Hi-Pilot" because that's the
"standard greeting" he employs whenever he sees a guy in uniform) knows next
to zip about anything aeronautical (which is on a par with his knowledge
about the Elk M1Gold). This is the same individual that dreamed up the
terms "negative lift" and "angle of attack of the wind" and argued until he
was "blue in the face" that you spell "aileron" with an "e" instead of an
"i" (or can spell it both ways, I don't quite recall). He also insists that
if you roll an aircraft inverted, you actually add (or is it subtract) the
lift vector to the force of gravity which means you can't maintain altitude
while inverted (those aircraft you see performing inverted fly-by's at
practically any modern airshow are in reality "special effects" created by
inflating a big Mylar balloon and floating it over the field at the proper
moment). He also insists that if you roll any passenger jet past 60 degrees
of bank, the aircraft will stall and you'll become a large stain on the
ground (or words to that effect). I'm also still wondering what he
considers "flight speed".

Mark Leuck

We've been getting 4-6 years on the CR123 lithums, pretty good with the heat
we have out here...and we get low-batt signals from the points loonnng
before they totally die...usually a week or two warning. With a 3 door/1pir
system he'd be looking at a 30 buck battery investment every 5 years lets
say...not bad.

Yup that 2 week period before they die is why most manufacturers like
lithium batteries, GE/ITI's used to last 6 - 7 years before dying.

no wires showing

Frank Olson Jul 14, 12:58 pm show options

From: "Frank Olson" <[email protected]> - Find messages by this author

Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 16:58:46 GMT
Local: Thurs,Jul 14 2005 12:58 pm
Subject: Re: Looking to purchase alarm system - suggestions?
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Which makes it a fact in your world, Frankie.

You're confusing me with your "pal", Groupie Muderator, again!<

Actually I had you confused with Mark's old flame Thelma Sue

Jesus you're a long winded canuck.

Capitalize the "C" in "Canuck", ya ornery yank!!<

I'll never show respect to Third World tree hugging anti-war quiffs.
If it wasn't for John Candy hailing from there (man alive he was
hysterical) I'd be doing a tsunami dance in Montreal.

Maybe now that
that gay figure skating you call hockey is returning you'll
spend more time away from the puter :)

Never was much for "gay blades". Have you seen that new all girl Swedish
team? Now
more my style!! :)) <

You're old enough to be her grandfather ya sick bastard.
Who was invading canada? Post the link for me dammit.

I saw further down in this thread your mention of a Bass ELK doozie and
it makes me wonder how you could have forgotten the Bass LYNX whopper
where he was talking about installing a second WIRED keypad for it.
His infamous tip & ring post is also amongst my favorites.

Mark Leuck

no wires showing said:
Frank Olson Jul 14, 12:58 pm show options

From: "Frank Olson" <[email protected]> - Find messages by this author

Actually I had you confused with Mark's old flame Thelma Sue

I will neither confirm nor deny I ever dated Thelma Sue

no wires showing

Think Bass dressed up like a broad when he'd post using that sock
puppet? :)