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Maker Pro

Looking for Viewsonic E70f flyback transformer


William Buchholz

I am looking for a replacement flyback transformer for a Viewsonic
E70f (VCDTS21683-1M). The part number on the flyback is TLF128-05B.
The current one has split open and arcs to the surrounding heatsink.
Please email me with the price to see if it is worth replacing.

Jerry G.

I you call Viewsonic, they should be able to lead you to their parts
department, or an authorized parts dealer for them. Also, you can be sure
that the monitor has other faults in it, after a flyback is burned.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

I am looking for a replacement flyback transformer for a Viewsonic
E70f (VCDTS21683-1M). The part number on the flyback is TLF128-05B.
The current one has split open and arcs to the surrounding heatsink.
Please email me with the price to see if it is worth replacing.

William Buchholz

Jerry G. said:
I you call Viewsonic, they should be able to lead you to their parts
department, or an authorized parts dealer for them.
I have been in touch with Viewsonic in the US and Canada. They
wouldn't tell me the time of day let alone sell me any parts. I would
even be interested in a working pull if anyone has one around.
Also, you can be sure
that the monitor has other faults in it, after a flyback is burned.
The owners description of the problem led me to beleive it was simply
a failed HOT. The unit came in with the standard relay clicking. I
replaced the HOT, it fired up with deflection/HV momentarily then a
loud crack plus sparks as the flyback arced to the heatsink. I
contacted the owner and he then remembered that yes indeed there was
fireworks but he just didn't mention them.


Have you tried Able Electronics in Vancouver, B.C.? I have had success
there before. Telephone 604 438-8002 or 1-800 663-1122 Fax 604 438007
They are a Panasonic distributor, but may be of help
