Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for specs for HL1606 Dual RGB LED controller



When I was in Shanghai recently I found some very cool RGB LED
ribbon lights. The ribbon is populated with one 16 pin surface mount
chip every 3cm or so. Each chip has 2 high brightness RGB LED's hooked
to it. The chips are an HL 1606 which I believe is made by Wuxi ASIC
corp in Wuxi province of China. Unfortunately I have been unable to
find a spec sheet on this chip despite many days looking. Based on
scope observations, the signaling is quite complex and contains
color, ramp and brightness info in some complicated frame format on a
5 wire interface which I believe is SPI. Does anyone know this
chip.. or knowwhere I can find a data sheet and perhaps some app
notes ? I'm hoping to clone the simple PIC based controller I bought
with it. Thanks very much for any help or leads...

-john cohn [email protected]


When I was in Shanghai recently I found some very cool RGB LED
ribbon lights. The ribbon is populated with one 16 pin surface mount
chip every 3cm or so. Each chip has 2 high brightness RGB LED's hooked
to it. The chips are an HL 1606 which I believe is made by Wuxi ASIC
corp in Wuxi province of China. Unfortunately I have been unable to
find a spec sheet on this chip despite many days looking. Based on
scope observations, the signaling is quite complex and contains
color, ramp and brightness info in some complicated frame format on a
5 wire interface which I believe is SPI. Does anyone know this
chip.. or knowwhere I can find a data sheet and perhaps some app
notes ? I'm hoping to clone the simple PIC based controller I bought
with it. Thanks very much for any help or leads...

-john cohn [email protected]

Something similar?
In johncohn said:
Based on scope observations, the signaling is quite complex and
contains color, ramp and brightness info in some complicated frame
format on a 5 wire interface which I believe is SPI.

I was recently working on an SPI interface and debugging it with a scope
wasn't cutting it. I borrowed one of these and it showed me the problem just
about instantly. If you just want to reverse-engineer the interface,
this may help. If you don't want to spend the money on that box, the
other way is to get an old junk PC, wire the interface to the parallel
port, and write a DOS program to watch the input lines on the port.
I'm hoping to clone the simple PIC based controller I bought with it.

Have you tried putting the chip in a programmer and reading back the
program? (Or did they activate the settings that are meant to make it
hard to read the program out?)

Standard disclaimers apply; I don't get money or other consideration
from any companies mentioned.

Matt Roberds
I see it's a pretty old topic, that's why I try to revive it. So has anyone any documentation, pinout, communication, message format.... anything about this ICs?

I have the controller for them but I don't like that you have to choose from the predefined modes, not being able to build anything custom.