Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for source of chip or chipset for Serial ATA interface



I am looking for a manufacturer of interface chips or chip set for realizing
a Serial ATA solution. Preferably in one chip. Any chips or chipsets that
would do the job will be appreciated. I am NOT looking for a converter
module, these I have found - they sell for $18 to $25. I am looking for a
chip or chipset. Perhaps a chip that would convert parallel ATA to serial
ATA. Anything.

Could it be that National's LVDS interface chips could do the job?

Please reply to this newsgroup.
Thank you

Antti Lukats

F; said:
I am looking for a manufacturer of interface chips or chip set for realizing
a Serial ATA solution. Preferably in one chip. Any chips or chipsets that
would do the job will be appreciated. I am NOT looking for a converter
module, these I have found - they sell for $18 to $25. I am looking for a
chip or chipset. Perhaps a chip that would convert parallel ATA to serial
ATA. Anything.

the pATA to sATA chips are avaiable from several vendors. if you are a
manufacturer should have no problems obtaining them.

in small/sample quantity may be VERY difficult !!
I have tried to obtain sATA phy chips for over 3 months from all possible
vendors and have achived nothing!!! its all under NDA and pretty much
everybody either refuses to sell or just doesnt reply at all !!
Could it be that National's LVDS interface chips could do the job?



Thanks for the information. Maybe I will be luckier - though I doubt it.
COuld you tell me the names of the manufacturers you have found? I have
Marvell Technology Group and another vendor, LDIC. COuld you mention any
others you have found? I would appreciate either the names or some links.

Thank you

Antti Lukats said:
F; said:
I am looking for a manufacturer of interface chips or chip set for realizing
a Serial ATA solution. Preferably in one chip. Any chips or chipsets that
would do the job will be appreciated. I am NOT looking for a converter
module, these I have found - they sell for $18 to $25. I am looking for a
chip or chipset. Perhaps a chip that would convert parallel ATA to serial
ATA. Anything.

the pATA to sATA chips are avaiable from several vendors. if you are a
manufacturer should have no problems obtaining them.

in small/sample quantity may be VERY difficult !!
I have tried to obtain sATA phy chips for over 3 months from all possible
vendors and have achived nothing!!! its all under NDA and pretty much
everybody either refuses to sell or just doesnt reply at all !!
Could it be that National's LVDS interface chips could do the job?
