Maker Pro
Maker Pro

looking for Online or local supplier


Michael Tissington

New to the US, Seattle based. I'm looking for either an online or local
supplier of eletcronic supplies, wire, pcb, resistors, ics etc etc

Dave Platt

New to the US, Seattle based. I'm looking for either an online or local
supplier of eletcronic supplies, wire, pcb, resistors, ics etc etc

For reasonably broad coverage of current-technology stuff,

In my experience, all three are fast and reputable.

For more exotic current-technology parts (with higher prices, higher
minimum orders)

For surplus/overstock/oddities, try

For a small selection of very simple "jellybean" parts and supplies,
often not-in-stock, but accompanied a truly wonderful assortment of
blank stares in response to any technical question that doesn't
involve cellphones, your local Radio Shack store.


In the message quoted below, Dave names all the major ones. In addition, has some interesting things. I don't know what Seattle has
locally, but if there's a Fry's store, it's worth a visit.


Dave Platt wrote:

For a small selection of very simple "jellybean" parts and supplies,
often not-in-stock, but accompanied a truly wonderful assortment of
blank stares in response to any technical question that doesn't
involve cellphones, your local Radio Shack store.


Our local Radio Shack coraked years ago. Guess what it became? A cell
phone store...


Hello Michael,

New to the US, Seattle based. I'm looking for either an online or local
supplier of eletcronic supplies, wire, pcb, resistors, ics etc etc

Welcome to the US. The online stores have been pretty well listed. Don't
forget to look around your local area. Ask a few ham radio operators
where they go when they need a 74HC14 right now. I was surprised to find
a surplus store here in Sacramento. Still a 40+ mile drive for me but if
I can't wait until tomorrow it's a deal. Just don't look when some of
them bag the parts. ESD compliance isn't always their forte, makes your
neck hairs stand up.

For tools there used to be Radar Electronics in Bothell (where my first
employer is located). Then there was Vetco in Bellevue. Maybe Seattle
has some as well, could be nicely combined with a pint of Ballard's
Bitter in a pub. Oh, do I miss that...

In Bellevue there is a huge pub with IIRC over 100 beers on tap. Tap
House Grill or something like that, not far from the Red Lion Hotel.

Mark Zenier

New to the US, Seattle based. I'm looking for either an online or local
supplier of eletcronic supplies, wire, pcb, resistors, ics etc etc

Alphatronics, south of the Southcenter Mall, on Andover Parkway East.
Fry's, in Renton
Vetco, somewhere near Northup Way in Bellevue/Redmond (New location?)
Radar Electric, in an office park in Woodinville

Mark Zenier [email protected]
Googleproofaddress(account:mzenier provider:eskimo domain:com)


mc said:
But Google won't tell you what they are really like, especially the locally
owned surplus places, if any.

Very true. Several times I found electronics places in the yellow pages
and when I got there I asked myself "Why did I even bother?".