Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for off the shelf wave generator with low internal impedance


Would appreciate your help with off the shelf wave generator with low internal impedance that with the following characteristics:

1) Input current 110-220V 50-60Hz

2) Output:

a. Sine wave at frequency of 0.01Hz to 100Hz, with 0.01Hz resolution

i. Optional square wave

b. Maximal output current 10APP (peak +5A to peak -5A) or up to 20VPP (internal impedance of 1ohm, with coils impedance of 0.6ohm – 2 coils of 20cm radius, at 4VPP output and 2.5APP current)

Thanks in advance!

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I dont think you will find that in a single instrument.

And, if you do, it would likely break your budget.

Hey Adam and thanks Bob for your input,

Our use for the wave generator is to generate an electromagnetic field generated by coils, for a medical device

Any thoughts?



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I would suggest a function generator followed by a high power amplifier.

Why does it have to be off the shelf? Surely you won't be incorporating it into the finished product.
Hey Adam and thanks Bob for your input,

Our use for the wave generator is to generate an electromagnetic field generated by coils, for a medical device

Any thoughts?


Hello Yotam, you are going to have to explain in greater detail what you intend to do. If the project poses any risk to humans then you will understand I won't be able to help you any further. Please tell us what you are trying to do.
