Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Looking for help and builder

Hello everyone
I'm new to the board and have a project that I would like to build for a midi controller pedal

I have a homemade midi pedal board that has 10 push buttons that when a button is pressed a signal is sent to a musical automated type keyboard (Yamaha psr3000) the coresponding note plays on the keyboard. This then sets the rythme section to play in that particular key untill the next button is pushed and then it will play the accompanyment section for that notE or key.

My problem is when playing a guitar and using the midi pedal in its present form I have to look down and concentrate on pushing the corect button This is difficult when trying to look forward at the crowd and is also very difficult to do

I would like to have a series of 1 foot square electric sensor that when a light or laser pointer is shone onto the sensor the sensor sends a closed switch signal to my pedal. ( the push button switches in essence would be replaced by the 1 foot square sensors )

I could then mount a laser pointer on the neck of my guitar and have the sensors arranged about knee hight slightly in front so they could easily be seen as I play the guitar and I could just move the neck of the guitar to move the laser pointer as needed.
This is kind of a natural movement when playing guitar while standing

A bright flashlight could also be used.

My knowledge of electronics is very limited that is why I'm posting looking for input / ideas and help building this unit. I think when perfected other players would use this system to

Thanks in advance