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Maker Pro

Looking for Good FM Radio Reciever Kit



Hi all

I am interested in building a FM Radio but cannot find a kit to
construct. I am looking for a kit that has good selectivity on the FM
band. Preferably one without any ICs but I can do with it if the kit
has ICs. Does anyone know where I can find a good FM kit to build? I
am reasonably new to electronics, but can solder and have a

Also I am in australia, so if anyone knows of a good FM kit to build
please let me know.


Frnak McKenney

I am interested in building a FM Radio but cannot find a kit to
construct. I am looking for a kit that has good selectivity on the FM
band. Preferably one without any ICs but I can do with it if the kit
has ICs. Does anyone know where I can find a good FM kit to build? I
am reasonably new to electronics, but can solder and have a

If you'd like one where the components are "spread out" for easy
access and measurement, you might look at the Ramsey Electronics
kit AMFM108K ($35USD) at

If that's not what you're looking for, they have several other
kits related to the commercial FM broadcast band.
Also I am in australia, so if anyone knows of a good FM kit to build
please let me know.

No idea what they'd charge for inter-continental S/H, but you
could always ask. <grin!>


Frnak McKenney said:
If you'd like one where the components are "spread out" for easy
access and measurement, you might look at the Ramsey Electronics
kit AMFM108K ($35USD) at

If that's not what you're looking for, they have several other
kits related to the commercial FM broadcast band.

No idea what they'd charge for inter-continental S/H, but you
could always ask. <grin!>

Ramsey has "some" nice stuff - however - you might wish to ask about
support - if it isn't working when completed. A friend of mine bought a 220
MHz receiver. He built it - did everything properly - myself and another
tech checked it when it was found to be very very insensitive. We checked
the components - even swapped a few out - still no luck. My friend called
Ramsey at our suggestion - they gave him a price - which was like double the
cost of the kit - to service it - not to mention ship back.

The "Sensitivity" on that receiver - well - we pumped in a signal off a
Service Monitor - at max - and you were just barely able to hear it. In my
opinion, it was a piece of garbage.

In their defense - I bought some other kits and was very pleased with them.
Sometimes a company will have a thorn between the roses. That receiver
(IMHO) was the one of the thorns.

The other day - I seen in a Radio Shack store that I went in for the first
time in almost a year - they have a pocket FM radio. I'm not sure that fits
your idea of a kit - per your post - but maybe give it a shot.

"Graymark" (?) - not sure if still in business - used to make some kits. I
built a couple of them in High School Electronics class. They weren't the
greatest thing since sliced bread - but they did come in handy and
worked.They also sold a booklet which I thought was pretty decent. In the
manual for the "power supply" kit I built - if memory serves me correct, it
had a place to show the expected wave form on a scope and a place for you to
mark yours. I'll have to check the manual again - but it seems to me - that
was the case.I "did" see one of their "receiver" books - but I didn't get a
good close look at it to know how well documented it was. I believe it was
an AM/FM radio.

CAVEAT EMPTOR - you don't want your experience to be a "bad" one. That is a
quick way to sway someone away from this field/hobby. I don't know that as a
"kit" - you're going to find anything with "spectacular" specs.

Good luck to you!

Peter Nyffeler

If you'd like one where the components are "spread out" for easy
access and measurement, you might look at the Ramsey Electronics
kit AMFM108K ($35USD) at

This is an ELENCO Kit.
It is available in a version with solid state AF stage (AMFM108K) and
IC AF stage (AMFM108TK). You can download the manual at
You can get them from many distributors e.g

I use the AMFM108K as practical work in our electronic curse for Ph.D.
Students and it makes fun to them, even if the sound does not
correspond to that of a HiFi receiver.
The technology is that of the 60s. A AM/FM RF generator is required
to align for best result.

Peter Nyffeler
Physical Chemistry, Swiss Fed. Inst. of Technology