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Maker Pro

Looking for an 8-bit SIPO Shift Register that is tolerant of 12V+



I am looking for an 8-bit Serial-In, Parallel-Out shift register that is
tolerant of more than 12V for an automotive application. The functional
equivalent of a 74164 would be ideal. The CD4015 comes close, but I
would like a part with an active-low reset. Does such a part exist and
is it readily available?



RosemontCrest said:
I am looking for an 8-bit Serial-In, Parallel-Out shift register that is
tolerant of more than 12V for an automotive application. The functional
equivalent of a 74164 would be ideal. The CD4015 comes close, but I
would like a part with an active-low reset. Does such a part exist and
is it readily available?


That one does not have a reset but you can design a reset around it.



Naturally. The OP asked for +12v tolerance, not -70V! That part's up
to him.

I still generally wouldn't use a 12V part. Cold crank can give you 6-8V, in
Michigan 4V ;-) If you need circuits to run during crank, like your ignition,
you have to be clever ;-)

I'm playing professor over an automotive transmission controller design right
now... 3.3V supply... 1.8V logic.

...Jim Thompson

[On the Road, in New York]

Thanks Jim, and everyone else. Because this circuit must occupy a small
space, I was trying to minimize the number of parts, including a
regulator and other "glue" to invert logic. I have already included in
the design suppression of power supply transients, but I just wanted to
minimize the number of necessary parts.

Thanks again to everyone for their input.


That's cool, or the 'HC595 or the TPIC6b595, but they're all 5v

He almost might as well use an 'HC164--he's going to need load-dump
stuff anyhow, as Jim pointed out. The load-dump protection could just
as easily regulate too.

It all depends on the application.

Thanks. The application is a lighting circuit for turn signals.

Spehro Pefhany

Personally I would use a PIC.

Sure. Eg. PIC16F610, or even a PIC16HV610 which includes a built-in 5V
shunt regulator.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Nico Coesel

RosemontCrest said:
I am looking for an 8-bit Serial-In, Parallel-Out shift register that is
tolerant of more than 12V for an automotive application. The functional
equivalent of a 74164 would be ideal. The CD4015 comes close, but I
would like a part with an active-low reset. Does such a part exist and
is it readily available?

TI has many. Look for TPIC6x595 (x=A, B or C).

Rich Grise

Jan said:
[email protected] wrote in

Personally I would use a PIC.

Is there a version of PIC that could be programmed "in-circuit,"
as it were, where you don't need to plunk down a hundred bucks
for a development system, but just energize the chip and send
it a data stream, rather than heroics like special programming
voltages and stuff?



Thanks. The application is a lighting circuit for turn signals.

Generate the light locally as well, and pipe fiber 'light pipes' to the
signaling areas. Instead of switching power, you are then switching
banks of lighting arrays on a local board. The brightness should still
exceed that of the old incandescents.

At that point,one could even generate full color imagery in the end
"display device".

This is how IBM made the first high resolution OLED display (production
level). The OLEDs were on chips, and each pixel of the display was lit
via individual 100% addressed fiber. Eleven million of them, in fact.
Far different from the "OLED" display technology we are currently seeing.

Anyway... ten years from now, they will do what I have said here on
the car tail lights, etc.

I'll take 5% of net as payment for the idea.


Is there a version of PIC that could be programmed "in-circuit,"
as it were, where you don't need to plunk down a hundred bucks
for a development system, but just energize the chip and send
it a data stream, rather than heroics like special programming
voltages and stuff?

Yes, you will need to spend $44.95 :

The hardware interface are 5-pins:
Reset - RESET of chip
PGC - program clock
PGD - program data

The main software package is MPLAB, and its FREE :

I would suggest an archive version v8.73a :

The software comes with the assembler for all of the PIC processors.
A C compiler will cost a few more bucks.
There are lots to chose from, some are even free:

Bottom line is, get started and you will find out how easy it is.
Then you will better understand when someone says "use a PIC".


Spehro Pefhany

Yes, you will need to spend $44.95 :

The hardware interface are 5-pins:
Reset - RESET of chip
PGC - program clock
PGD - program data

Or this older one for $34.99

They plug into the USB port and don't require any other supply.

The main software package is MPLAB, and its FREE :

I would suggest an archive version v8.73a :

The software comes with the assembler for all of the PIC processors.
A C compiler will cost a few more bucks.

There's free versions for all PICs, I think, which are unlimited but
produce more bloated code (less optimization).. so you might have to
buy a bigger chip (usually a dime or two more to double the memory, so
no big deal until you're using hundreds or thousands).
Bottom line is, get started and you will find out how easy it is.
Then you will better understand when someone says "use a PIC".


You can get similar products for ARM micros (32-bit) but the learning
curve is a bit steeper and there are no breadboard-friendly DIP
packages available, so you're into "heroics" (or making a PCB) to get
wires to the thing.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
Is there a version of PIC that could be programmed "in-circuit,"
as it were, where you don't need to plunk down a hundred bucks
for a development system, but just energize the chip and send
it a data stream, rather than heroics like special programming
voltages and stuff?

Few programmable components require special programming voltages, anymore. One
I'm using now can't be programmed with the VCC less than 4V (it operates from
3.3V to 5V) and another requires an external 4.7uF cap to program in-situ, and
some require an enable pin but most take no special treatment at all. The
days of "programming voltages" are pretty much gone.

As far as the cost of the "development system", they're often free from the
disties. They're always trying to push ARM stuff on me. ;-)


Or this older one for $34.99

They plug into the USB port and don't require any other supply.

The supply is required for the interface because the +5 from the USB
port does not pass thru.

Also if the target is 3.3v the USB power won't kill your target system.

I would suggest to any one starting with PIC devices to get a PICKIT3
over a PICKIT2.

The PICKIT3 supports more and newer devices.

If the extra $15 is a problem:

There's free versions for all PICs, I think, which are unlimited but
produce more bloated code (less optimization).. so you might have to
buy a bigger chip (usually a dime or two more to double the memory, so
no big deal until you're using hundreds or thousands).

You can get similar products for ARM micros (32-bit) but the learning
curve is a bit steeper and there are no breadboard-friendly DIP
packages available, so you're into "heroics" (or making a PCB) to get
wires to the thing.

PS: would you really suggest to a beginner to jump into ARMs ?

Spehro Pefhany

PS: would you really suggest to a beginner to jump into ARMs ?

Certainly not, in general, but there might be some cases where it
would make a lot of sense, especially if the beginner has a relatively
up-to-date programming background.

This sort of thing, for example:

.... which is only $60 and fits a breadboard.

It's probably a bit overkill for replacing a shift register and 555,

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany


Certainly not, in general, but there might be some cases where it
would make a lot of sense, especially if the beginner has a relatively
up-to-date programming background.

This sort of thing, for example:

... which is only $60 and fits a breadboard.

It's probably a bit overkill for replacing a shift register and 555,

LOL, like most questions posted here, the simple answer is not the whole

I wonder what the OP was trying to actually do.

Two chips will not complete the project, I'm sure.

With it being automotive, I am sure there will be lots of circuitry
remaining to include.

I hope the OP shares his results.



LOL, like most questions posted here, the simple answer is not the whole

I wonder what the OP was trying to actually do.

I'm contemplating the idea of adding yet another farkle to my
motorcycle: sequential LED turn signals like those found on Mercury
Cougars, if memory serves. I envision an 8x3 LED array with each column
of 3 LEDs sequentially illuminated to indicate the intended direction of
a turn.
Two chips will not complete the project, I'm sure.

With it being automotive, I am sure there will be lots of circuitry
remaining to include.

It will certainly take more than two chips, but I think that the
TPIC6C595 will replace a 74164 and a high-current driver chip; so that
helps some.

I resigned myself to using 5V chips and a well-protected regulator; and
it turns out that I will likely use a 556 timer.
I hope the OP shares his results.

If or when I commit to completing this project, I would be happy to
share my results.

Thanks to everyone for all the help.

Nico Coesel

Rich Grise said:
Is there a version of PIC that could be programmed "in-circuit,"
as it were, where you don't need to plunk down a hundred bucks
for a development system, but just energize the chip and send
it a data stream, rather than heroics like special programming
voltages and stuff?

LPC1111. Not PIC, but just as expensive compared to a mid range PIC
and programmable by a serial port. Alle you need is a RS232 to TTL
converter chip or a USB to serial converter chip.

Nico Coesel

Spehro Pefhany said:
You can get similar products for ARM micros (32-bit) but the learning
curve is a bit steeper and there are no breadboard-friendly DIP
packages available, so you're into "heroics" (or making a PCB) to get
wires to the thing.

Olimex has a large number of header boards you can use as a building
block to get started.

Rich Grise

Jan said:
Is there a version of PIC that could be programmed "in-circuit,"
as it were, where you don't need to plunk down a hundred bucks
for a development system, but just energize the chip and send
it a data stream, rather than heroics like special programming
voltages and stuff?

Well I dunno about heroics, I avoid the low voltage in circuit
programming as it eats an I/O pin.
I wrote my own programming software for the 18F14K22, and the hardware
costs nothing if you have a junk box and a 12VDC wall wart.
Programs the chip in a few seconds via the par port.
I use gpasm part of gputils in Linux and that costs nothing either
if you have a PC.

Microchip makes [almost [1]] all data you need available,
and for somebody as smart as you considering all your
previous postings, writing some soft should be easy.

[1] not *all* data, but there are helpful people here.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I confess I'm an awesome programmer, it's just the expense
of the development system I'm trying to avoid - I have kind of
a shoestring budget. :)
