Hi, the timer on my heating hast stopped running, its a mechanical
driven by a small motor conected to 230Vac, the problem is a capacitor
(the only other component) that is in series with the motor. I shorted
the cap with a multimeter and the motor started running again.
The cap has the following info printed on it:
250V ~
250V ~
What should I use as a replacement? What is the value exactly .1uF/10?
Which I assume is 10nF, true?
What exectly is the cap for?
Cheers Brian
driven by a small motor conected to 230Vac, the problem is a capacitor
(the only other component) that is in series with the motor. I shorted
the cap with a multimeter and the motor started running again.
The cap has the following info printed on it:
250V ~
250V ~
What should I use as a replacement? What is the value exactly .1uF/10?
Which I assume is 10nF, true?
What exectly is the cap for?
Cheers Brian