Maker Pro
Maker Pro

looking for a little help



hi all,
i am installing some custom lighting in my car, pretty simple. But
simple is never enough, so in addition to installing LED's all over my
interior, i wanted to be able to have them blink, and fade in and out, as
well as illuminate as they normally would. i have a basic (highschool) level
of understanding circuitry. If anyone could please help me gain a better
understanding of how to accomplish this, it would be greatly appreciated.

thank you,

Pooh Bear

mark said:
hi all,
i am installing some custom lighting in my car, pretty simple. But
simple is never enough, so in addition to installing LED's all over my
interior, i wanted to be able to have them blink, and fade in and out, as
well as illuminate as they normally would. i have a basic (highschool) level
of understanding circuitry. If anyone could please help me gain a better
understanding of how to accomplish this, it would be greatly appreciated.

On principle, I regret I couldn't possibly help you. You're not asian btw are
you ?



Pooh Bear said:

On principle, I regret I couldn't possibly help you. You're not asian btw are
you ?


You didn't write that did you?

All your stars are taken away.

Unless you can find, via Google Groups, and give references to at least 50
examples of where I have done the same myself. (I'll argue the toss later)

Guy Macon might help you out.

In the meantime have a good kip and sober up.


Mook Johnson

Pitiful some of the replies fron this group.

AS with any design project you have to figure out what you want it to do and
how you want to control it.

Do you want just switches to select between blinking, dimming, full on? how
do you want them to blink? chasing lights (hard) all together (ugly but
easy), half on half off, not bad, with the music, not too bad either.


mark said:
hi all,
i am installing some custom lighting in my car, pretty simple. But
simple is never enough, so in addition to installing LED's all over my
interior, i wanted to be able to have them blink, and fade in and out, as
well as illuminate as they normally would. i have a basic (highschool) level
of understanding circuitry. If anyone could please help me gain a better
understanding of how to accomplish this, it would be greatly appreciated.

thank you,
Next time, it would help if you used a more appropiate title - such as

"Controlling brigtness, fading and blinking of LEDs"

I can imagine no matter what you do with this, you will always think of
ways it would be better (i.e. if they stayed on longer, got brigther
more slowly, had a random pattern etc). In this case, a PIC chip that
you program would be ideal. If you don't like the pattern you get, just
reprogram it.

If you switch an LED on off quickly (say 100Hz), then it will appear to
be on all the time. Use 1kHz and then by varing the ratio of time on to
time off, you could easily get any change with time you wanted. e.g. to
get 25% brightness, you would have it on for 1ms, off for 3ms, on for
1ms, off for 3ms, on for 1ms, off for 3ms.

Take the output pin of the PIC to a FET to handle the power. i.e. source
of FET is at ground, you drive the gate, have the LEDs cathode on the
drain and the LEDs anode on the +12V supply, with a suitable current
limiting resistor.