Newberry said:
Hi, I am looking for a good book on Boolean Algebra and Switching
Circuits, preferably one that covers diagnostics e.g. Path
Sensitization etc. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.
Boole's work which inspired the mathematical definition concerned
algebras of sets, involving the operations of intersection, union and
complement on sets. Such algebras obey the following identities where
the operators ^, V, - and constants 1 and 0 can be thought of either as
set intersection, union, complement, universal, empty; or as two-valued
logic AND, OR, NOT, TRUE, FALSE; or any other conforming system.
a ^ b = b ^ a a V b = b V a (commutative laws)
(a ^ b) ^ c = a ^ (b ^ c)
(a V b) V c = a V (b V c) (associative laws)
a ^ (b V c) = (a ^ b) V (a ^ c)
a V (b ^ c) = (a V b) ^ (a V c) (distributive laws)
a ^ a = a a V a = a (idempotence laws)
--a = a
-(a ^ b) = (-a) V (-b)
-(a V b) = (-a) ^ (-b) (de Morgan's laws)
a ^ -a = 0 a V -a = 1
a ^ 1 = a a V 0 = a
a ^ 0 = 0 a V 1 = 1
-1 = 0 -0 = 1
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50% of all statistics are wrong. The rest don't matter.
Claude Hopper