Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Long Shot - MCC Manufacturer Pricepac 200



Many years ago I installed a number of MCC's in a gold mining operation in
the Pacific Islands.
From memory. I think the manufacturers of the MCC's were a New Zealand
company by the name of AG Price, and the range of MCC was the PricePac 200.
The motor control cubicles were withdrawable on slide rails, and very easy
to work with.
Could anyone advise if this company is still going, and if this design is
available in the UK.

Bob Ferapples

Many years ago I installed a number of MCC's in a gold mining operation in
the Pacific Islands.
From memory. I think the manufacturers of the MCC's were a New Zealand
company by the name of AG Price, and the range of MCC was the PricePac 200.
The motor control cubicles were withdrawable on slide rails, and very easy
to work with.
Could anyone advise if this company is still going, and if this design is
available in the UK.

Try posting a question in A lot of Kiwis and Aussies
in there, someone might know.