Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Long shot circuit diagram request. Weston Electronics regulated power supply. Model PS-20


John Crighton

Hello All,
I picked up an old power supply at the Wyong field
day last Sunday. It is made by Weston Electronics.
Model PS-20 The rear label says 13.8V 18 Amps max.
I am guessing that the unit is 30 years old, maybe more.
Some of you enthusiasts may have a circuit diagram,
If so may I have a copy. I will pay for expenses.
There are a few components missing so the circuit
diagram would be nice to have.

John Crighton


John Crighton said:
Hello All,
I picked up an old power supply at the Wyong field
day last Sunday. It is made by Weston Electronics.
Model PS-20 The rear label says 13.8V 18 Amps max.
I am guessing that the unit is 30 years old, maybe more.
Some of you enthusiasts may have a circuit diagram,
If so may I have a copy. I will pay for expenses.
There are a few components missing so the circuit
diagram would be nice to have.

John Crighton

Can't help with info sorry. But you weren't the guy who bought one for $20
when they wanted $50 were you ? If so that was a nice piece of haggling.

John Crighton

Can't help with info sorry. But you weren't the guy who bought one for $20
when they wanted $50 were you ? If so that was a nice piece of haggling.

I do haggle Jim, but that wasn't me. For this really ugly old power
supply, I only haggled from $20 to $10. All good fun on the day
and more fun getting it to work later, like now. :)

I walked away from a Philips 60 Mhz CRO with manual. It was a
storage type and dead. $30 asking price. I hummed and harred,
wondering about the tube then decided a minute later to go back
and take it. It was gone!
I am kicking myself now. Heh heh heh....

What goodies did you buy Jim?

John Crighton


John Crighton said:
I do haggle Jim, but that wasn't me. For this really ugly old power
supply, I only haggled from $20 to $10. All good fun on the day
and more fun getting it to work later, like now. :)

I walked away from a Philips 60 Mhz CRO with manual. It was a
storage type and dead. $30 asking price. I hummed and harred,
wondering about the tube then decided a minute later to go back
and take it. It was gone!
I am kicking myself now. Heh heh heh....

What goodies did you buy Jim?

John Crighton

John, I've been going to go to the Field day for 30 years. This year I got
there. That episode could fill a book, but I didn't see anything I wanted
badly enough to buy. I was too busy observing things, and finding out where
he heck everything was. (In other words the drive and sleep in the car
zonked me out ) I rekkon that a few signs would make all the difference,
after all a lot of people come a long way and may be first timers. Likewise
a few seats for the oldies (yes I found them eventually, lucky :) And a
person on the tannoy with a lighter attitude.
Boy for a first timer I sure am a whinger :)) Full marks to those who
organised things , the above remarks excepted.
And full marks for the friendly people who went or manned the stalls.
PS. I am now in demand up here, answering questions about what it was like

John G

John Crighton said:
I do haggle Jim, but that wasn't me. For this really ugly old power
supply, I only haggled from $20 to $10. All good fun on the day
and more fun getting it to work later, like now. :)

I walked away from a Philips 60 Mhz CRO with manual. It was a
storage type and dead. $30 asking price. I hummed and harred,
wondering about the tube then decided a minute later to go back
and take it. It was gone!
I am kicking myself now. Heh heh heh....

What goodies did you buy Jim?

John Crighton
I went to Wyong a couple of years ago and would like to go again if only
I knew when.

Where is it advertised so I can keep an eye out and go next time?

Might get some more nickel wire??

John Crighton

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 21:08:19 +1100, "John G"

I went to Wyong a couple of years ago and would like to go again if only
I knew when.

Where is it advertised so I can keep an eye out and go next time?

Might get some more nickel wire??

Hello John G,
here is the website.
A yearly event every February. I will remind for next year. :)

Keep an eye on this clubs coming events around June.
They usually have an auction of trash and treasure. The
man who is the auctioneer is a real comedian. I enjoy his
patter and comments. Meeting people, talking shop,
having a laugh and comming away with someone elses
junk is a good day out. I look forward to that one also.

Anyone know when the next trash and treasure is on
at the WIA , Wigram Street, Parramatta?

John Crighton