Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Long range remote control wanted.

Greetings group.
Does anyone know where I could get a long range remote control.
I need one that has at least 32 channels or can be modified.

I have tried one from Elsema that is supposed to have a range of 6k,
but I can only get it to work over 2k.

I have just been able to get the Elsema remote to work for a distance
of 3.3k.
The aerials I was supplied did not have the cable shielding connected
to the plug.
Correcting this seems to have helped.

I was not able to test it further than 3.3k line of sight.



I have just been able to get the Elsema remote to work for a distance
of 3.3k.
The aerials I was supplied did not have the cable shielding connected
to the plug.
Correcting this seems to have helped.

I was not able to test it further than 3.3k line of sight.


Hello Russell,

I am going to take a guess and say you are experimenting with the
151MHz products? Do you need an omni-directional antenna pattern or is
your requiremnt point-to-point?
If the latter, you could consider using a directional antenna with a
few elements to give you a directional gain increase. Using one of
these on each end would probably improve the range quite substantially.
You could also try horizontal, rather than vertical, antenna
polarisation. For a number of reasons, signal to noise ratio is often
better using horizontal polarisation.
An antenna for the 144MHz amateur band could probably be pressed into
service if you wanted to experiment a bit.

I am going to take a guess and say you are experimenting with the
151MHz products? Do you need an omni-directional antenna pattern or is
your requiremnt point-to-point?
If the latter, you could consider using a directional antenna with a
few elements to give you a directional gain increase. Using one of
these on each end would probably improve the range quite substantially.
You could also try horizontal, rather than vertical, antenna
polarisation. For a number of reasons, signal to noise ratio is often
better using horizontal polarisation.
An antenna for the 144MHz amateur band could probably be pressed into
service if you wanted to experiment a bit.


Thanks for the info. Andy.
Yes I am using the 151Mhz products.
I had considered a directional antenna, but did not know where I would
find one.
For this project I need two receivers that are not quite in the same
direction from the transmitter.
The transmitter could use an omni-directional antenna, and the two
could use a directional antenna.
Your comment about horizontal polarization is very interesting, I will
it in mind.
