Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Logarithmic or linear potentiometers for volume and a 3 band EQ


I am in a proces of going trough my junk pile to find all the components I need for a Bass guitar preamp.

Looking at the schematic and the text that was posted about the project I can't find if I should use logarithmic or linear potentiometers.
There should be one for each (volume, treble, bass and mid).

The Scehematic is attached below.


  • BassProMaster-sema.pdf
    36.1 KB · Views: 1



Is there a link to the text you mention?
The schematic does not show information on the type of potmeters.
For volume regulation a logarithmic potentiometer is used.
In the schematic the volume regulation is done in the gain regulation of the opamp.
I think a linear potmeter should be used on that posistion.

This page will show you more about the different types of potmeters:


Is there a link to the text you mention?
The schematic does not show information on the type of potmeters.
For volume regulation a logarithmic potentiometer is used.
In the schematic the volume regulation is done in the gain regulation of the opamp.
I think a linear potmeter should be used on that posistion.

This page will show you more about the different types of potmeters:

Hey Bertus.
Thank you for the text about potentiometers
The site I found the schematic is old and in serbian so I don't think you'll have much luck there but here's the link anyway the said project is under GITARSKA TEHNIKA>POJAČALA>BASS PRO_MASTER



There is nothing mentioned of the potmeters, even when I translated it using Google.
Looking at the type of schematic, try linear potmeters.


There is nothing mentioned of the potmeters, even when I translated it using Google.
Looking at the type of schematic, try linear potmeters.

yeah there was no mentioning of the pots.
Thanks anyway I'll try both of them to see what works better.
I've built a few guitar amps over the years. For level control you definitely need a Log Pot. For the tone controls you will want Linear Pots. For the gain control you could use either type though a Linear type is probably preferable. I guess it depends on what you have in your bits box.
If all you have is Linear pots, it is quite easy to get a rough approximation to a log pot using one resistor.