Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LM7171 not working as inverting amplifier

I am trying to use LM7171 to build a simple inverting amplifier with VCC=-VEE = 15V. R1 = 2.2K and Rf = 4.7K. It is such a simple circuit. But i don't understand why it doesn't work. Plz help.

Harald Kapp

Wouldn't you think it were a good start to:
  1. show us a schematic diagram of your circuit (at least my glass ball doesn't reach to India).
  2. tel us what your input signal is and what the observed output signal is.
  3. tell us what doesn't work as expected. It could be anything from wrong gain to total lack of operation.
Thanks for the reply Harald. I shall post the schematic soon. I get to see only noise on the CRO and nothing else. I have varied my input sine wave between 100mv and 4V and frequency between 1KHz to 1MHz.