Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Light flicker (Triacs)

I read that one of the best ways to control heater elements (2kw) is through the use of burst control,
less EMI etc
Unfortunately this method can cause considerable light flicker . . . is there a cure?
I would have thought it would be phase angle control that would cause flicker?
The problem is that the heater is on a circuit with the lights?
If the heater is on its own and is wired with correct gauge it should not cause flicker, this is the way most stoves work.
I am controlling a standard electric fire ....
It's plugged into a socket (standard ring main)
Unlike phase angle control, the frequency varies and this can be seen in 'flicker'.
I presume it's the volts drop caused by switching 2kw that causes the lights to flicker.
Where did the controller originate or is it home built?
Burst firing usually entails zero crossing switch on an remain on for a few seconds to many seconds at a time.
No frequency control of the AC.?
It's a home built project . . .
Using zero crossing, I turn the triac on for bursts of milliseconds. Do you think that this
is too short a time?
If I were to operate at 10ms on, 10 ms off, the effective frequency would appear much
lower than the mains at 50hz.
The heater control is excellent but the accompanying light flicker is unacceptable.
You need a better lower impedance mains supply :)
Try to find out where the drop is. If its at the feed there:s not much you can do except complain to supplier. And what kind of lamps?
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