Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LG 25 inch golden eye TV - high volume automatically when turned on



I have an LG 25 inch golden eye TV (7 years old). Starting a few days
back, many a times when the TV is turned on, the volume level
automatically becomes between 80 to 90 out of total 100. At the time
of switching off the TV, the volume level normally remains in the
range of 20 to 30.
The observed behaviors are:-
1) It does not make any difference whether the TV is switched off
using remote or its own power button.
2) The TV channel does not make any difference.
3) The volume does not always go high when the TV is switched on. But
it happens frequently. Normally it happens after the TV remains
switched off for a longer time. Sometimes, it happens for shorter
switch off periods also.
4) If the TV is switched off after being "mute", it gets switched on
with "mute" only.
5) Once the TV starts with such a high volume, the volume buttons/keys
on TV panel/remote work normally and I have to bring back the volume
to the range of 20 to 30 from the initial volume of 80 to 90.

Any idea, what could be the problem.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards,
Delhi, India


Problems related to the initialization of the MPU/EPROM within the set.
Normally the EPROM will remember the settings previously used before
powering the set off. May be possible one of the tac switches may be
failing. Maybe a leaky diode in the data transfer or input circuitry of the
MPU/EPROM. We see a lot of problems with tac switches in differing devices
when subjected to high temperatures and humidity.