Maker Pro
Maker Pro

lenses and wavelengths that accompany them...

hello all,

this is my first question here. I do not do this kind of work but I am a software developer. What I'm interested in, per the title, are the wavelengths associated with camera lenses. I know there are different types of lenses and the wavelengths associated with each in terms of how they operate are probably all different. Here's my issue:

=> What I'm trying to do is use a camera that uses any wavelength to capture its light but then be able to manipulate the light that it captures in such a way as if it were like the camera took a picture of a greenscreen (or any screen of one color only).

So the question would be: How would I do such a thing? Or better yet, where would I start? I'm thinking that there is a connection between the wavelength that's associated with the camera lens and how that translates to "color", as it's captured from the environment that the lens is pointed at.

Can someone help me with this? thanks!


welcome to electronics point :)

this is an optical physics rather than an electronics question
I think you have a few basic misunderstanding about optics

I know there are different types of lenses and the wavelengths associated with each in terms of how they operate are probably all different

no there isnt really ;)

A normal lens lets all light from infra red through the visible spectrum to ultraviolet through it ( when just talking about light ... in reality it will let virtually the whole
electromagnetic spectrum through it from low frequency radio signals way up to X rays and beyond)

The lens is just a lump of glass, its only special property is that it has been shaped to focus light.

You need to use a green filter to allow say only green light through or say a red filter
for only red light

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PS.... you do know you can manipulate a camera image in software say like photoshop ?

you can take a pic in normal colour and then filter it to your heart's content in software

If you are a software developer then pulling a specific colour out of a JPG or RAW file from the camera should not be too much of a challenge.

Just as an after-thought, when you say "lens" do you mean CCD (i.e. the sensor in a digital camera) as opposed to the chunk of glass that focuses the image?


..........Just as an after-thought, when you say "lens" do you mean CCD (i.e. the sensor in a digital camera) as opposed to the chunk of glass that focuses the image?

I guess we will find out if/when he responds ;)
