Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Legality of video survaillence


Tom Gardner

As we are installing a Goevision DVR system we have the union people in an
uproar. They claim that cameras in my building are an invasion of their
privacy. I don't plan any cameras in bathrooms or lunchrooms. How can I
find out the laws in Ohio without hiring a lawyer?

Bob Worthy

They can't expect a right to privacy in a building, that is posted, that
there is video survaillence. There is no audio involved I would take it, so
that is a moot point. As long as the cameras are not in bathrooms and
breakrooms (which I don't believe is restricted), dressing rooms and other
areas where one would expect privacy, you shouldn't have a problem. Audio is
the sticky point. That could get everyone in trouble if certain quidelines
are not followed. It goes along the same lines as wiretaping. The
complaintants would have a tough argument if everything is posted and
installed as it should be. An employer has every right to monitor his
property, the visitors to the property, production areas, internal and
external thief, insurance issues and the fact that it will create a safer
workplace. Right off the bat, the complaintants raise of flag of possible
internal thief. Check with the Ohio Alarm Association. I am sure you will
find what you are looking for without an attorney.

Nick Markowitz

I get this problem from unions all the time. Unless they agree to it in
there negotiations they feel it is a contract violation. if the cameras are
being used for safety and not criminal prosecuiton for thefts etc . is how I
have gotten around the issue.

Mr.Double-sided tape

Everything pisses union members off.

Union members live to say "that's not my job" and to beef about unfair
Transit workers in NY went on strike a few months ago with some members
claiming $25.00 per hour wasn't enough to sweep the subway platform. 25
dollars an hour???????
Melonheads at Mc Donalds get 6 or 7 an hour to scrub toilets.
I'm tired of seeing goofballs hugging shovels and calling it road
Ever see the utility company trucks parked next to an open sewer where
2 clowns are in the truck reading the paper?
Reagan had the right idea when he dumped the air traffic controllers.
Too bad today's politicians have no spine.

Bob Worthy

Tom Gardner said:
Well, the union signed-off the next day after I started considering going to
monthly paychecks, mandatory overtime, swing shifts, daily exercise, daily
random drug and booze tests...etc. It appears I still have a little say
about how I run my business.


Robert L Bass

If the cameras are being used for safety and not criminal
prosecuiton for thefts etc . is how I have gotten around
the issue.

You might want to mention this to your attorney. If you sign an
agreement saying that the video cameras are for safety and not
for prosecution you might not be able to use a future recording
in a criminal or civil proceeding against a dishonest employee.


Robert L Bass

Bass Burglar Alarms
The Online DIY Store

Matt Ion

Tom said:
Well, the union signed-off the next day after I started considering going to
monthly paychecks, mandatory overtime, swing shifts, daily exercise, daily
random drug and booze tests...etc. It appears I still have a little say
about how I run my business.

Sure ya do. Close it down, then start a new one, and hire only
non-union people. That'll learn'em a thing or two about they
union-mantra "job security".

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Tom Gardner

Sure ya do. Close it down, then start a new one, and hire only non-union
people. That'll learn'em a thing or two about they union-mantra "job

They don't like's called "union busting". It's really not so bad,
the trick is "Red Herrings", We start something to get the union revved-up
every couple of years then capitulate and they win a big victory and it
gives them face. But, my video system HAD to go through, we had 20
break-ins last year.