Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LED's and resistors

no thats totally wrong-the right one is better............heres a diagram showing you how.....


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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Let's not be confusing.

When components like these are placed in series (see sheldon's image above), it doesn't matter whether the LED or the resistor comes first. If you have multiple LEDs in series, you can even place the resistor in the middle of the string.

Most people tend to do it one way or another (for example, I almost always place the resistor on the anode end, but if I do otherwise, it doesn't matter.


Hi sambo

we aim to please :)

As Harald and steve said ... it doesnt matter has absolutely no effect on the operation of the LED

just a point tho concerning your original statement, ... the primary purpose of the resistor ISNT for voltage dropping ( that's a side effect) but its purpose is to limit the current through the LED
