Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LED Tachometer on atmega8

hello, i already have working project, but problem is led light interval... its300 rpm, but i need 200rpm. anyone can help? Ready project i will mount in speedometer. i have only instaled program on controlier, but cant modify that how i know.20150124_173201.jpg 20150124_173456.jpg
please give us more details. Did you write the software yourself? Do you have a circuit digram. Post your code and explain how it should work.
here in midle page is circuit, and software found here..there isnt right one for is asambler code but i dont know how to use it, maybe anyone can make hex file from it? :)
; ******************************************************
; BASIC .ASM template file for AVR
; ******************************************************

.include "C:\VMLAB\include\"

; Define here the variables
.def temp =r16

; Define here Reset and interrupt vectors, if any
rjmp start
reti ; Addr $01
reti ; Addr $02
reti ; Addr $03
reti ; Addr $04
rjmp t1cpt ;reti ; Addr $05
reti ; Addr $06 Use 'rjmp myVector'
reti ; Addr $07 to define a interrupt vector
reti ; Addr $08
reti ; Addr $09
reti ; Addr $0A
reti ; Addr $0B This is just an example
reti ; Addr $0C Not all MCUs have the same
reti ; Addr $0D number of interrupt vectors
reti ; Addr $0E
reti ; Addr $0F
reti ; Addr $10

in r20,TCNT1L
in r21,TCNT1H
clr temp
out TCNT1H,temp
out TCNT1L,temp
; cpi r17,1
; breq set_res
sbr r17,1
; rjmp quit_t1cpt
; clr r17
;; rjmp quit_t1cpt

; Program starts here after Reset
ldi temp,low(RAMEND)
out SPL,temp
ldi temp,high(RAMEND)
out SPH,temp
clr temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTC,temp
out PORTD,temp
ldi temp,0b11111111
out DDRD,temp
out DDRC,temp
ldi temp,0b11111110
out DDRB,temp
clr r20
clr r21
clr r17
rcall pusk
clr temp
out TIFR,temp
out TCNT1H,temp
out TCNT1L,temp
ldi temp,0b00100000
out TIMSK,temp
ldi temp,0b11000010
out TCCR1B,temp
cpi r17,1
brne main
rcall test_out
rjmp main

clr temp
out PORTD,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTC,temp
ldi r24, $98
ldi r25, $3A
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_4C
sbi PORTB,1
loc_4C: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+3 j
ldi r24, $4C
ldi r25, $1D
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_51
sbi PORTD,7
loc_51: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+8 j
ldi r24, $88
ldi r25, $13
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_56
sbi PORTD,6
loc_56: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+D j
ldi r24, $A6
ldi r25, $0E
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_5B
sbi PORTD,5
loc_5B: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+12 j
ldi r24, $B8
ldi r25, $0B
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_60
sbi PORTB,7
loc_60: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+17 j
ldi r24, $C4
ldi r25, $09
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_65
sbi PORTB,6
loc_65: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+1C j
ldi r24, $5E
ldi r25, $08
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_6A
sbi PORTD,4
loc_6A: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+21 j
ldi r24, $53
ldi r25, $07
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_6F
sbi PORTD,3
loc_6F: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+26 j
ldi r24, $82
ldi r25, $06
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_74
sbi PORTD,2
loc_74: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+2B j
ldi r24, $DC
ldi r25, $05
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_79
sbi PORTD,1
loc_79: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+30 j
ldi r24, $53
ldi r25, $05
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_7E
sbi PORTD,0
loc_7E: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+35 j
ldi r24, $E2
ldi r25, $04
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_83
sbi PORTC,5
loc_83: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+3A j
ldi r24, $81
ldi r25, $04
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_88
sbi PORTC,4
loc_88: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+3F j
ldi r24, $2F
ldi r25, $04
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_8D
sbi PORTC,3
loc_8D: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+44 j
ldi r24, $E8
ldi r25, $03
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_92
sbi PORTC,2
loc_92: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+49 j
ldi r24, $A9
ldi r25, $03
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_97
sbi PORTC,1
loc_97: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+4E j
ldi r24, $72
ldi r25, $03
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_9C
sbi PORTC,0
loc_9C: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+53 j
ldi r24, $41
ldi r25, $03
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_A1
sbi PORTB,5
loc_A1: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+58 j
ldi r24, $15
ldi r25, $03
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_A6
sbi PORTB,4
loc_A6: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+5D j
ldi r24, $EE
ldi r25, $02
rcall sub_DD
brcs loc_AB
sbi PORTB,3
loc_AB: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+62 j
ldi r24, $CA
ldi r25, $02
rcall sub_DD
brcs locret_B0
sbi PORTB,2
locret_B0: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+67 j
clr r17

sub_DD: ; CODE XREF: sub_47+2 p sub_47+7 p ...
cp r24, r20
cpc r25, r21
sbi portb,1
rcall del_64
sbi portd,7
rcall del_64
sbi portd,6
rcall del_64
sbi portd,5
rcall del_64
sbi portb,7
rcall del_64
sbi portb,6
rcall del_64
sbi portd,4
rcall del_64
sbi portd,3
rcall del_64
sbi portd,2
rcall del_64
sbi portd,1
rcall del_64
sbi portd,0
rcall del_64
sbi portc,5
rcall del_64
sbi portc,4
rcall del_64
sbi portc,3
rcall del_64
sbi portc,2
rcall del_64
sbi portc,1
rcall del_64
sbi portc,0
rcall del_64
sbi portb,5
rcall del_64
sbi portb,4
rcall del_64
sbi portb,3
rcall del_64
sbi portb,2
rcall del_255
cbi portb,2
rcall del_128
cbi portb,3
rcall del_128
cbi portb,4
rcall del_128
cbi portb,5
rcall del_128
cbi portc,0
rcall del_128
cbi portc,1
rcall del_128
cbi portc,2
rcall del_128
cbi portc,3
rcall del_128
cbi portc,4
rcall del_128
cbi portc,5
rcall del_128
cbi portd,0
rcall del_128
cbi portd,1
rcall del_128
cbi portd,2
rcall del_128
cbi portd,3
rcall del_128
cbi portd,4
rcall del_128
cbi portb,6
rcall del_128
cbi portb,7
rcall del_128
cbi portd,5
rcall del_128
cbi portd,6
rcall del_128
cbi portd,7
rcall del_128
cbi portb,1
ldi r18,255
ldi r19,24
subi r18,1
sbci r19,0
brne cyc_64

ldi r18,255
ldi r19,180
subi r18,1
sbci r19,0
brne cyc_255

ldi r18,255
ldi r19,100
subi r18,1
sbci r19,0
brne cyc_128
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