Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LED strip setup help

Hello everybody. I would like to ask any of you smart people for help. I'm very new to electronics but i've built myself a desk and shelving unit that i'm going to illuminate with 2 sets of LED stip lights. I want the setup to be like this:

MAINS -> 220v push switch -> 12v TRANSFORMER -> (12v LED push switch -> LED strip) x2

I want 1 switch before the transformer so its not on all the time. Ive got everything wired up and working how i want it but ive got a problem with the 220v push switch. When i switch it on the transformer is powered up and the LED ring of the switch is iluminated as it should be. But when i switch it off the light dims to nothing but then lights back up again very very faintly.

Attatched are pictures of how i have the circuit wired.


  • Switches.jpg
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  • Wiring.jpg
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Harald Kapp

Welcome aboard.
What do the colors in your diagram signify (which ióne is hot, neutral, etc.)?
What type are the switches? Do you have a datasheet? The label states +/- for the LED ring, but you seem to have it connected to mains which doesn't look right.
Thank you for the welcome and reply. Apologies for not labeling the colours in my diagram... forgot. In the 220v AC brown-live (or hot), blue-neutral, green-earth. In the 12v DC red-positive, black-negative. Im attatching the datasheet as a pdf. I have the LAS1-GQ-11E kind of switches. 1x 220v AC and 2x12v DC.

I always had it plugged up to a surge protected extention cord but when I plugged it straight into the wall there was some sparking from the bottom of the switch... oops. Could it be possible that the switch has such a small tollerance for any kind of variable voltage from the mains?

But rewired everything again the same way (couldnt see any problems) and now when plugged up to the same surge protected extention cord the 220v LED lamp seems to switch fully off???? So im not getting any of the feedback i was getting before my sparking accident??


  • f_05726.pdf
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Harald Kapp

So I assume you have the switch variant with 220V AC LED supply?
Then your wiring diagram looks o.k.

Using a wall outlet or an extension cord should not have made any difference. The "sparking accident" may have destroyed the LED circuit within the switch.Check using another switch of the same model and known good function. Observe all necessary precautins when dealing with mains, use proper insulation and creepage distances etc.