My friend and I are working on using an arduino mega to control a LED periodic table at our school. We plan on using Demultiplexers to have enough outputs (118). The only problems are:
Thank you. Please reply with answers/need for clarification.
- We need to be able to light up as many elements as we want at a time. The demultiplexers will only allow us to light up 1 of the 8 outputs at a time, meaning we can only light up 15 elements at once (as well as other restrictions). We looked into shift registers but those take two inputs and turn them back into one output, meaning we would have to have more outputs to begin. Are there any IC's that will take ground, 3.3v, and a signal, so that when the signal is set to "HIGH" it changes the state of the output (i.e. when the dmux output is LOW, the IC output is LOW, and when the dmux switches to HIGH, the IC switches to HIGH, but the IC won't switch back to low until the dmux switches back to high again - the IC output would remain high even if the dmux output is low.)
- We need to be able to control the arduino from a computer, wirelessly. We need to write a program that we can click on the element on an HTML webpage, and that tells the arduino to light up/turn off the LED
Thank you. Please reply with answers/need for clarification.